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You bang on Dustin's door "you're going to make us late"

"Don't come in I'm naked!" He screams. Jesus Christ.

With a huff you kick his door in annoyance and storm off downstairs. I will drive away without him I swear.

Luckily for Dustin he hurries his ass up and meets you in the car, it's odd not having to drive to the middle school anymore. Your baby brother was getting older.


In the cafeteria you stand in line waiting to get a sandwich. You hear yelling coming from the centre of the room and turn around to see Eddie one of Dustins weirdo club members giving some kind of speech while standing on a table.

You tune him out and pay for your food as well as a carton of apple juice. You head off to the newspaper club room where you promised to meet Nancy. On your way you're stopped by Dustin and Mike "Y/N" they call out.

"No. Stop whatever it is no. Go away" you dismiss them taking a bite of your lunch.

"I told you" you hear Mike curse at Dustin.

"Wait!" Dustin yells "would you come play DnD with us?"

"With you and Mike? Sure but you mean your little club right?" You question thinking about the the freak who runs it. He was way too old to still be in highschool, it was sad really.

"Please" Dustin clasps his hands together.

"Dustin for you I'd do anything" you sigh looking into his begging eyes "I want another girl there though I'm not rotting in a room full of musty geeks"

"Deal!" He squeaks in delight and runs off with Mike.


You've finished your food by the time you make it into the writing room. Nancy is busying herself with something while in conversation with a short ginger boy you knew to be Fred. "What's up?" You call as you bust in disrupting the quiet environment.

"Me and Fred here are... debating" Nancy says gritting her teeth. You can tell from the look she gives you she's annoyed with him.

"Oh? About what?"

"Nancy is editing the cover for if the Tigers win tomorrow's big game" you nod waiting for the shocking part that would reveal the cause of the tension "I however have an alternative" he holds up a pessimistic version of the paper. That's it?

"Ah" you purse your lips secretly enjoying watching Nancy get all flustered.

You take a long and noisy slurp of the apple juice you had. A few of the students in the room cast harsh looks your way. Jesus, they act like this is a real job.

Another slam of the door and Mike comes strutting in "Nancy!" He yells, the yet again stern eyes glare up at him.

"Mike shush" she hisses and waves him over. She never tells me off for being obnoxious. You smirk a little at her and she rolls her eyes.

"Oh hey Y/N" Mike nods after having already bombarded you once today "Nancy do you wanna join hellfire?" He blurts.
Nancy was not a DnD girl so all he got in response was a cold stare. "Sheesh alright" he grunts and runs back out of the room, nearly knocking down a stack of papers on his way.

"That might have been my fault" you whisper and Nancy lightly slaps your arm.

"What are you taking about?"

"He's already roped me in and I told him to find me another girl to balance the scales"

Nancy's shakes her head but cracks a smile "you have my brother running more errands then I ever could"


Its the 'day of Vecnas curse' or whatever Dustin told you the campaign was called. He told you he'd gotten someone to join- a girl as promised although he wouldn't say who. You were skeptical and ready to storm out if you were being lied to but you entered the club room nonetheless.

"Henderson!" Eddie leaps up to greet you "and Henderson two" he smiles.

"Dustin you brought your sister seriously?" A boy in a flannel snorts.

"Excuse you" you sneer at him. This is precisely why you needed a lady friend with you. These boys were gross and rude.

You turn to Dustin preparing to grill him for tricking you however a familiar girl enters the room just a few paces ahead.

"Erica?" Are middle schoolers supposed to just be strolling around here...

"The one and only" she quips.
You liked Erica, she was funny and sassy, maybe this would be better then what you expected.

"So what's your stats?" Eddie scoffs looking down at her "level one dwarf"

"Don't be fucking rude" you scowl "you're the one desperate for extra players"

Erica tosses you a grateful look before spitting a rebuttal "I'll have you know I'm a chaotic good half elf rouge, level fourteen and I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison soaked kukri and I will smile as I watch them die"

Damn girl. Eddie was lost for words for a moment. After a brief pause he sticks out his hand "Welcome to hellfire"

You on the other hand were far less badass then Erica's character. You played as a cleric, high level, but not much good at attacks. Staying out of the glory of battle you keep your team healthy and safe. That is until the last round of combat. Everyone is running out of spell slots and special abilities, resorting to flat attack rolls.

Its the last stand, everyone makes desperate rolls praying for a hit. You quite frankly couldn't wait to leave and briefly consider purposefully endangering yourself just to speed things along. By a strike of nothing short then divine intervention (ironic because you're a cleric) everyone gets kiled off one by one. Its down to you and Erica.

"Time out!" One of the boys grunts. You don't remember his name and honestly couldn't care less.

Everyone huddles to discuss the game plan. You don't join afraid of getting greased up by nerd sweat and instead listen from your seat. "We need to flee" one of them commands.

"What happened to 'to the death'?" Erica hisses.

Flee or die doesn't matter just let this end.

"Yeah stop being a bunch of pussies he's down to 15 hit points" Dustin grunts.

"Hurry up will you?" You growl losing patience. As they argue you fiddle with some dice and get scolded by Eddie for 'tampering'

With a renewed courage everyone takes their places finally ready to end this. Erica shakes the dice in her palm looking determined. It lands on a one making everyone groan. Eddie pushed her figurine down "miss" he chuckles. He then casts his gaze upon you waiting for your action.

You have two choices. Do something stupid and die or cast your emergency revivify, bringing any player of choice back in return for your own life. You look over at Dustins pout and of course you have to drag it out for his sake. "I cast revivify on Lady Applejack"

Gasps go around the club, even Eddie seems astonished. Erica just gapes at you. They are really into this gane. You do an overdramatic bow reveling in the attention before letting Erica take the stage. She inhales slowly and picks up her dice again. Her second attempt chance is successful making the room shake from the overjoyed reactions. "Crit hit!" Erica bounces in place reminding you she is literally a little kid. Not that you didn't adore her but you were growing worried you would get put away for kidnapping if she stayed much longer.

Letting the celebration die down you hurry everyone out, leaving Eddie to clean up. As you grab your bag to leave he calls out to you "thank you Henderson"

"Whatever for?" You tease enjoying seeing the flickering emotions playing across his face as be tries to set aside his pride.

"Standing in for Sinclair, well the older Sinclair" he adds "the uh, the party would have been screwed if it weren't for your last decision"

You shrug. Its just a game.

Miss Perfect | Nancy WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now