Monster Killers

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Pulling up outside of Johnathans house you get your gun out from your backpack and help unload the trunk. You made quick work on setting everything up all the while still worrying about Dustin. What if he comes looking. You try to focus on the task at hand ignoring the urge to reach for the walkie in your bag.

You all stand in a circle going back over the plan. "Remember" Johnathan says.

"Straight into Will's room" Nancy nods.

"Don't step on the trap and wait for the yoyo" you conclude.

Nodding John asks "you ready?"

Both you and Nancy look to eachother quickly "ready" you both speak at the same time readying your knives over your palms.

"On three" Johnathan counts us down "one"

You grit your teeth and take a deep breath.

"Two" the knife preses deep into your skin "three!" You wince as you pull the blade down and out through your hand.

You let Nancy bandage your hand. She does it so gently you barley notice the sting of the fabric against your wound. You, in turn help her and then Johnathan who is struggling with his own. "So how do we know when its coming?" You ask.

"The lights speak when it comes or thats what my mom said"

Nancy wrinkles her nose "speak?"

"Blink. Think of them like alarms" he whispers.

After a short silence we all jump as the door bangs loudly. "Johnathan are you there man?"

What the fuck?

"Its steve!" You all look at eachother puzzled. Nancy decides to answer the door and tell him to leave. You figure this is a bad idea and Johnathan should have went because seeing Nancy would only give him more reason to come in.

"You need to leave" she hisses as she opens the door.

"Nancy?" Steve sounds confused. "No no listen I'm not trying to start anything okay?" He bangs on the door again "I messed up okay I messed up, I messed up" he sure sounds a mess.

From the couch you see Nancy leaning around the corner of the door. "Steve-"

"I just wanna make things right okay?" He pauses "hey what happened to your hand?" You feel a little tug of jealousy as well as anger when his voice softens. You've never heard him talk to her in that tone before, he sounded genuinely worried.

"Nothing" you see Nancy try to snatch her arm back through the gap.

"Is that blood? Did he do this to you?" The door starts to move and you see Nancy stagger back as Steve barges in.

Great just what we all needed.

*What. What is all this- what"

Johnathan leaps up "listen you need to get out of here"

"Whats that smell is that gasoline?"

"I'm not asking you I'm telling you"

Nancy takes Jonathan's gun and aims it at Steve. You stand back onlooking in shock unsure of how to proceed. "Get out!"

"Whoa whoa wait WHAT!?" Steve begins to freak out even harder.

"I'm doing this for you!"

"Is this a joke? stop it!" Steve yells and you notice the Christmas lights beginning to blink.

"Nancy. Nancy!" You yell pointing to the lights.

"Its here!" Jonathan recognises and grabs the bat up off the table. You ready your gun ignoring Steve's screams.

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