Week away

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After a very, very long drive and a stop at a motel you make it to the Byers new place of residence. Dustin is passed out in the back of the car "hey wake up we're here" you call.

He snoozes through your words so you get out the car, opening the back door you give him a shake. "Ughhh" he groans rubbing his eyes.


Having herded him into the Byers new house you're greeted with a group hug. Dustin is immediately dragged off into Wills new room and you're left with El while Jonathan and Joyce prepare dinner.

"Unpacked already?' you observe the neat house without a box in sight.

"Yes, Joyce says a tidy home will lift our spirits" Eleven nods.

"Sounds like her" you chuckle.

"Do you want to see my room?" She asks smiling.

"Totally" you smile and she leads you away.

She shows you a desk with paper scattered across it "I want to write letters" she informs you "to Mike ...but I can't find the words"

"I can help" you offer making her beam. She proceeds to read out the sentences she got stuck on and you teach her different adjectives to replace ones that don't fit. Once you complete the letter with her Joyce calls out to you.

"Dinners ready"

You sit beside Jonathan to eat talking about girls. He tells you he's seen a cute girl around his age in the neighborhood and you tease him "oh stalker much?" You giggle quietly. He playfully punches your arm and you raise your hands "joking joking"

You change the topic to Joyce, asking her how she's settling in "good, I've already applied for some jobs" she says in between forkfuls of food.

"That's nice" you smile politely "thank you for letting me and Dustin stay"

"Of course!" She grins "you came all this way"

Your mind drifts back to Nancy, in the couple weeks that had passed since the Byers left you'd become more open with her and she stayed overnight almost everyday. When you told her about the week you would be gone she seemed excited, probably happy you were finally leaving the house.


You sleep in a sleeping bag in Els room, although if you were being truthful you both stayed up giggling and gossiping all night. The next day you all go out to see a movie. Jonathan gives you a small tour of the neighborhood and asks about the guys back home.

"Everyone's doing fine" you smile, and it was true even though the gang felt the loss of Will they were coping.

Dustin brought his D&D stuff and gets everyone playing, even Joyce despite her being heavily confused.

"Roll your attack" he tells Mrs Byers, the heat of battle raging.

"Uh okay so... I yell what I'm going to do and then tell you what number?" She stutters.

You and El giggle while linking arms. Dustin sighs "yes"

"I'll... Fireball" she rolls the dice and gets a 16.

"Hit!" Dustin screeches like a banshee.

"Shhhh" you hiss at him "you're going to get Mrs Byers evicted"

The game ends, you sacrifice yourself to save the day and slay the demon. Everyone cheers and again yes even Joyce.

The remainder of the week flies by and you divide your time between Will, El and Jonathan making sure to do something with each of them. You dread the long journey home wishing Dustin was old enough to drive so you could take turns. You make a stop in the same motel on the way home.

"Thank you for this" Dustin smiles as you lay in beds opposite sides of the room.

"Go to sleep" you tease and switch off the lights.

Back at home you call Nancy to let her know you're back. She rushes over to your house and you spend the night talking about school starting. She stays over with a spare change of clothes for the morning.
Senior year...

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