Drunken love

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Three drinks in everyone is looking flushed sat around a small table. "Commy bastards sure know how to make a spirit am I right?" Murray raises the vodka going to pour some more.

"No no no" Nancy stammers "we can't" she looks to you "she has to drive"

You shake your head "Nance im not driving like this"

"But our parents-"

Murray interupts "would be proud! Just take my guest room"

Is it the vodka or am I starting to like this guy?

You look to Nancy giving her your best pleading eyes. You were actually having fun.

"It is pretty late" she sighs. "Can I use the sofa?" She asks making you snort.

"Okay I'm confused" Murray said.

"Yeah me too?" You looked at Nancy what was wrong with sharing a room?

"What's going on here lovers quarrel?" Subconsciously you touch your necklace and Nancy looks down.

"No we're just friends" Nancy scoffs. You feel your heart sink. Until now you hadn't been able to understand why you got so jealous around Steve or why you wanted to be around Nancy as often as you could but now... hearing it so plainly you know you have feelings for her. You wanted to kiss her the way her boyfriend did. You wanted to hold her close. You wanted Nancy Wheeler.

"Hmm" Murray stares at you two making you flush even harder. "Now out of everything you told me today I believe this is the only lie"

You looked at Nancy while chewing your lip. "I don't think she's into girls" you say. Why did I say that. What the fuck. I'm never drinking again.

Nancy made a noise as you say this, a sharp inhale of breath. Murray tuts "well ladies I don't discriminate" he reassures. "You two have real chemistry and most of all shared trauma. The real shit" he snaps his fingers pointing at you "let me guess"

You raise your chin up fuck this I'm ready to accept the truth "you're the classic 'in love with my best friend' trope but you don't want to scare her away" he turns to Nancy "you're harder to read so that tells me you probably hide away from the truth and run off back into the safety of..." He looks at you again "name?"


Murray counties his monologue "Steve - Steve!" He tilts his head back dramatically and despite yourself you smile at the display. "We like Steve"

Nancy scoffs "yes!"

"But we don't love Steve"

"No I- I do" she grasps for words.

Murray chuckles "there it is! The second lie of the evening" he claps his hands together "so how'd I do?"

You crack your knuckles trying to relieve some tension "pretty accurate" Nancy looks up at you her eyes scanning your face. You were way too drunk to give a fuck anymore.

Murray gets up "there's a pull out sofa if you want it, but... well I doubt you'll use it" he smiles and heads upstairs.

"Night Murray!" You salute him. Nancy is staring down at her shoes. "I'm going to bed, cone or don't" you stumble into the guest room and strip into your underwear. You liked Nancy. It was so obvious now. You weren't denying it and you weren't embarrassed. It felt good to be honest.

The door creaks open behind you "hey" Nancy's delicate voice washes over you. Shes changed into a silky pink nightdress accentuating her fair complexion.

"Hey" you whisper back, your voice is raspier then hers and the sounds mesh together like honey. You turn to face her and she fiddles with her hands.

"I just- I" she stammers. You wait patiently for her to collect herself. "You always say exactly what you mean and I think you're so brave" she says. Ouch sounds like the begging of a rejection. "I want to be that brave" that wasn't what you thought she'd say next.

You take a step closer to her "then say what you mean" but she doesn't say anything. She just leans up and kisses you. You return it instantaneously.

She pulls back and looks into your eyes gasping. You felt electrified. You put your arms around her waist and kiss her again, deeply this time. Her hands become tangled in your hair as you move onto the bed.

Nancy was ontop of you as you made out, you pressed your hands down on her back making her sink deeper against you. You push your knee between her legs as you kiss making her whine into your mouth. She grinded on your knee as you helped her out of her PJs. Your bare skin pressed against hers made you light up inside. Nancy's hands found their way behind your back, undoing your bra. "You're so pretty" Nancy huffed breaking the kisss.

You looked up at her pixie like face "not as pretty as you" moving to unclip her bra your chests pressed against eachother. Her heartbeat was strong against her skin. With a quick movement you flipped her over so that you were on top of her. She gasped when you ran your teeth along her neck, tracing kisses down her elegant frame. You'd never felt this good with guys. Nancy was so different, ethereal. You pull away from her making her groan "are you sure about this?" You ask.

She smiles, exposing her perfect teeth "of course" without waiting for another word you move down between her slender legs. Pulling down her panties you gently trace circles on her clit. She inhales sharply indicating that she likes it so you continue this time gently pushing a finger inside her. When her legs begin to tremble you add another finger. Her hands tangle in your hair as you watch her shiver. "Y/N" she moans quietly. After a few minutes of this you retract your hand and replace it with your mouth. Nancy whines louder and clutches fistfuls of your hair as you lick her softly. You speed up your pace squeezing her shaking thighs. Her hips thrust as she finishes and you plant a kiss above her pussy.

"Do you want me to-" Nancy starts but you hush her with a kiss and shake your head. You lay down beside her stroking her hair until you both fell asleep.

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