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After making preparations for the plan Jonathan dropped you off back home. You went to bed early hoping to sleep off the hangover and by morning it had gone. The phone rang next to your bed and you lazily reached over to answer it "hello?"

"Y/N"It was Nancy "I told my mom we were going to have a girls day" she had told you this in the plan yesterday, if her mom asked what we were up to you knew what to say "I'm about to head outside to Johnathan and then we'll cone pick you up"

"Okay see you soon" you both say your goodbyes and you run to the bathroom. You get ready as fast as you can and look at yourself in the mirror. "If I get killed today I want to die looking good" you mutter to yourself.

You were wearing the necklace again, this time with a more casual outfit but still stylish. Minutes later there was a honk of a car horn outside. Your ride was here. You hop in the back and drive to the park. "You stay here on lookout" Nancy says as her an Johnathan get out. You nod and wait patiently running over what was going to happen in your mind. What if the people from the lab didn't show up? What if they do and its more then we bargained for?

You try to calm yourself, rubbing your temples. Its not long before you see them speed walking back to the car. Something must have gone wrong. Your stomach starts to ache from the anxiety. As they clamber into the car you see people closing in on all sides. An old man comes tapping on the passenger side window.

Calm down this was supposed to happen, right? Your mind races. Simplified the plan was to lure out somebody from the lab and get a confession out of them, now it seemed to be happening the other way around.

You're brought to Hawkins lab by these undercover agents or whatever they were, they put you in an interigation room for awhile and your left to sit and wait. The dissociation was coming back. You felt your mind go blank trying to combat the panic in your veins. Only the violent screech of the door opening brought you back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" a short stumpy man greets you wearing a white lab coat. "Hospitality isn't our strong suit, you know being scientists and all"

He takes you all on a walk through the lab Nancy at his side demanding answers while you and Johnathan lagged behind. Nancy realises your absence and waits for you to catch up. You felt claustrophobic in these tight hallways with so many authority figures watching. You struggled to keep your breathing regulated and felt a feminine hand take yours. The gesture was enough to soothe you to a copeable state. You tuned back into the conversation between the doctor and Nance.

"We can't fix our mistakes without your help" he says to her making her scoff.

"You mean without us shutting up?"

"She's tough this one" the doctor jokes looking at you "have you two been together long?"

You blink confused "we're not together" your voice comes out raspy and weak. Nancy looks at you and shrugs then squeeses your hand tighter as if to say 'don't worry' the doctor doesn't expand on what he meant and instead leads us into a dark room.

"Wanna see what really killed your friend?" This was it. The evidence we came for. You hoped Nancy's radio device was recording, you didn't understand it even though Jonathan had tried to explain how it worked.

Behind a glass screen was a vile mass of rotten roots mixed with the fleshy organic matter you recognized from the time Nancy went into some sort of portal. This must be the gate. You shivered and gripped Nancy's hand tighter. She had a thousand mile stare on her face making your heart shatter for her.

The doctor goes on to explain how the truth has to be kept a secret because of the Soviets. If the Russians found out they had this it could turn into a nuclear weapon. A scientist kitted with a hazmat suit and flamethrower enters the glass contamination room and starts to burn away at the growth.

"So do we understand eachother now?" The doctor asks.


You're escorted out by guards back to John's car. As soon as your far enough away Nancy pulls out her recorder. She hits play "the point is mistakes have been made-" the voice of the doctor is clear.

"Lets burn that lab to the ground" Nancy says making eye contact with you through the rear view mirror.

Johnathan drops you and Nancy off at your house so you can get out and swap cars. "I'm sorry I can't leave Will for too long" John explains leaving the second half of the task up to the girls. You understand, Will has been having episodes caused by his trauma from the upsidedown. He needed his big brother. And a small part of you was glad to be alone with Nancy.

Running into your house you grabbed the car keys and told your mom you were having a sleepover at Nancy's. "Okay be safe, love you" she called as you dash past her.

"Roadtrip" you smile at Nancy getting in your car together.

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