Moonlit ecstasy

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The night sky blanketed over you. The stars twinkling like fairy lights, you look down, bathed in moonlight is the most perfect woman you had ever seen and now she was yours.

You notice how cold it was, Nancy was in a breezy dress. Her skin was cool under your fingers "cold?" You ask still hanging over her.

She purses her lips "maybe"

"Here" you take off your jacket and put it on her.

"What about you?" She looks at you now in only a thin shirt.

You lick your teeth, a teasing glint in your eye "I have a few ideas on how you could keep me warm"

She pretends to frown but cant hold back her laugh. "Oh and what would you have me do?" She asks coyly.

"Aw come on" you drag out your words purposely making your voice husky "I know you're smart enough to think on your own"

She slants her doey eyes and lurches upwards pushing you backwards. You feel her arms, now protected by your jacket, wrap around you and pin you to the ground. In one swift motion she had flipped the position one eighty. "You'd be right" she whispers leaning down to your ear.

"As always" you give your best smug grin. Her flawless teeth sink into your helix, she doesn't hold back- its painful yet pleasant. "Fuck" you half yelp half moan.

"That's what you get" she taunts and moves her mouth so its hovering above yours. Your hands go to grasp hers but she avoids them, taking your wrists instead.

"Wow I didn't know you could be this bossy-" you still have your smug look plastered across your face.

However thats not for long because Nancy squeezes your wrists tightly and cuts off your sentence with a kiss. Its less sweet and tender then your previous one- its demanding and passionate. As another punishment for your teasing she bites your lower lip causing you to grunt into her mouth. You feel your pulse quickening in more places then one.

You feel Nancy snake a cold hand under your shirt "are you going to behave?" She mocks whilst teasing her finger under your bra.

You bite your already sore lip in anticipation "fine, yes" as you speak the words her icy hand grazes your bare nipple making you suck in a sharp breath. Her touch combined with the temperature makes them perk up immediately. She travels careful circles around it watching your facial expressions shift.

As her hand slides over to match her movements on the opposite side, you part your legs allowing her body to press closer to you. Noticing this Nancy retracts her other hand from your wrist and moves it down to rub you over the top of your jeans "any warmer?" She asks looking down at you.

You glide your hands over her back. Up and down. In soothing motions "a little" you groan making her beam.

By now her frozen hands have warmed up from the contact with your skin sending waves of heat rolling through you. You wrap your legs around her and pull her tight against you craving more. Hips grind in unison making you pulsate. "God" Nancy whines, her hands have migrated downward now unbuttoning your jeans with surprising ease.

Slipping one hand straight into your underwear moving to your clit. Smiling against Nancys lips you take her free hand in yours. She begins with feather soft touches building the tension, slowly applying more pressure. "Nancy" you whimper and give her hand a demanding squeeze.

"You wanna get warmed up right?" Nancy smriks devilishly from above. "Work for it"

You begin to grind harder against her fingers moving your hips in circles. Nancy matches your pace and direction but makes you put in the effort. The pulse builds and builds as she works you. You cum with a wave of ecstasy that wracks your whole body. Nancy removes her hand and buttons your jeans back up. She gives you one last kiss before asking "warmer now?"

You huff at her but smile "you are incredible Nancy Wheeler"

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