The Teddy Bear

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The wind howled violently outside the window making the orphanage shake furiously, the rafters  whistled a menacing tune for those who dared to listen. the only thing that seemed to radiate warmth was the small girl infront of the boy that was dressed in periwinkle night gown, that dragged on the crooked floorboards and a small white bear in hand, with a dark green ribbon tied around its neck.  

"do you need something" stated the boy in front of her rather coldly, looking at the girl rather confused on why she was standing infront of his door at this time of the hour, he was sure the staff has warned her about him.

"No, i just wanted to meet you." she replied, beaming up at the boy who wasn't that much taller than her. "Im Rose" she voiced once more this time staring up at the boy, with her coffee brown eyes. 

glaring daggers at the girl wanting nothing to do with her and her childish ways, deciding to close the door on her face and not reply back to her, he was surprised when the door came to a complete halt with nothing touching it.

"How.." he started but was interrupted by the girl  "I'm Just like you" those four words made Toms chest pound, there was another person like him...just like him, looking down at the girl with curiosity he decided to comply to the little girl.

"Tom, Tom Riddle"

"What a pleasant name, Thomas" Rose chimed, her coffee brown eyes sparkling with innocence up at the boy. Tom narrowed his eyes at the girl infront of him. "Bit late is it not? shouldn't you be running to bed.." Tom snapped, looking down at the teddy bear that she clasped to her side, noticing that the green ribbon was decorated in small little snakes.

creative..what a nice little touch

"i suppose...well i bid you goodnight then Thomas" Rose declared in a soft voice, turning on her heel walking back to her own room once again


Tom sat on his rustic bed with a book in hand, his eyes drinking in every word that was written on the page, that was until he heard mocking voices in the distant...ignoring the sounds and picking up his book once more, Tom made out the sound of someone crying hysterically. putting down his book and getting up, the bed creaked under the sudden shift of movement .

walking just to his doorway Tom saw the trail of white fluffy polyester stuffing scattered across the hallway, following it's trail Tom saw the small girl that appeared at his doorway last night cradling her beheaded teddy bear, sobbing her eyes out as one of the boys at the orphanage was holding the fluffy head, that once belonged to the white bear.

looking down near the girl once more that was surrounded by the polyester fillings he noticed something, the green Ribbon that was once tied perfectly around the bears neck, something sparkling on the deep emerald ribbon caught his eye. it was her name etched onto the ribbon in gold cursive writing "Rose Amery Highland"  and obsidian black serpent's surrounding it.

Stalking down towards were the boy was "Do you not have better things to do billy? rather than making little girls cry?" Tom muttered, standing beside Rose.

"Oh he speaks!" Billy mused, cackling and waving the decapitated head around, making more stuffing fall out. "Just give her the bear back billy" Tom was not up for discussing it, looking down at rose his chest felt a small pang of something. her coffee brown eyes were no longer bright but a mist was covering them, Crystal clear tears  rolling down her cheeks. the girl infront of him was not the same girl he just encountered mere hours ago.

A gasp caught Tom from his thoughts "Has The Tom Riddle got a crush!?" Billy announced. Stepping forward towards billy now Tom's face had darkened severely.

"Give.The.Bear.Back" Tom spat, each syllable as if it was poison on his tongue. After billy refused once more Tom didn't hesitate to sweep his hand across in the air making the boy fly back into the wall behind him, dropping the head in the process.

"Your a monster... you know that Riddle!" came a strained voice from the boy the was knocked against the wall.

"How ironic billy... you haven't even seen the worst of me yet" Tom smirked, bending over to pick up the teddy bears head. dragging the small girl with him as he walked past her taking her somewhere he knew no one could find or see them.

As Tom made his way outside dragging Rose along with him, The warm spring air hitting their faces and the suns rays beating down on them kissing their skin. Tom made it to a hill not far from the Orphanage, there were flowers scattered across the hill just in bloom all ranging in different colours and sizes taking prize place upon the the hill was the oak tree that towered tall above them.

"Can i see the bear?" Tom mumbled, letting the girl sit down on the grass still sniffling.

Rose handed him the bear, her coffee coloured eyes never once meeting his. Tom Took the bear with care as if holding something valuable, with soft movement's of his hand the bear slowly began to mend back together, the rich green ribbon tying itself the once perfect bow it was before.

"See good as new" he called out, bending down were the girl hugged her knees and had her head buried, peering up above her knees she saw that he mended the bear.

"Thank you" Rose croaked out, taking the bear of off Tom gently holding it close to her, "Why did you help me?" she questioned the boy who was still kneeling infront of her, Tom saw how much she loved the bear and how broken she was when it was torn to pieces...but he didn't know why he helped her, sure if it was anyone else he'd just let them suffer or mind his own business.

"I don't know" Tom answered honestly, the wind dancing around them blowing the little girls hair back from her face making her coffee brown eyes  visible to Tom once more, the oak tree branch's swung gently and the smell of the floral scent tickled their noses.

Tom wasn't expecting what was going to happen next, Rose threw her arms around the boy bringing him into a close hug, freezing at the sudden contact Tom didn't respond from a while but soon enough replicated the same thing burying his head into her soft brown curls.

little did Tom know That was the day a Friendship blossomed.

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