Here we are again

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Rain battered the side of the stone castle walls, echoing off as bullets in a distant war. Clouds of smoke tumbled over creating a cloak over the Highlands, making sure that no rays of sun could reach the blades of grass that swayed viciously in the wind.

Inside the castle students swarmed into the great hall, a trip to Hogsmeade had been cancelled due to the storm, that only left classical Wizarding board games such as, chess, skittles and checkers.

Tables where blooming with multiple house colours, friends laughing and joking about nonsense or just chatting about the latest of witch weekly.

Sat down on the Ravenclaw table was yellow, Green and blue. It was an odd sight to see green United with another colour bar their own.

Tom sat there, curious eyes scanning him as if he was some unexplained object, shrugging off their stares his own eyes gazed at the girl beside him, her vibrant eyes had dulled in colour and her joyous laugh cease. she seemed to be glued to the Ravenclaw boy ever since the ball, he couldn't wrap his head around what happened.

Itching towards her hand that lay on-top of the dinner table, he wrapped his own around her hand rubbing small circles on it trying to some what comfort her, he was rewarded with the smallest smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Odie, why not go and spend some time with Riddle, hm?" hummed the the blonde boy in front of Tom, Gabriel shot a lob sided smile towards the raven haired boy. "What! but the Halloween Holidays are coming soon, i'm not going to see you once they come" shrieked Odette, looking for an excuse not to leave.

the girl was scared, she didn't want to leave the Ravenclaws side just incase he needed her, or if he took a turn for the worst...she felt like she was trapped in the dark and her light was failing her, "Odie, don't be silly. You'll see me when we come back to Hogwarts, and plus theres still a few days to go till then. so go and spend time with Tom, okay"

Squeezing Tom's hand she gave a solemn nod and stood up, dragging the Slytherin boy with her. "Odette" came Tom's voice but it fell upon deaf ears, "Odette, stop" nothing, "Rose would you stop and listen!" he raised his voice, making sure he planted his feet firmly to the ground.

"What has gotten into you?" his voice echoed of the ancient walls of the hallway, but his question was only greeted by her back. turning one of her shoulder to make her face him, he saw tears swell in her eyes. "What's happened my love." he asked once more in a gently whisper, pulling her into him.

"I can't keep going as if everything is aright Tom! i just can't" she sobbed, her fists balled at her sides, "It's Not Bloody fair!" frowning his eyebrows, he questioned "What's not fair?"

"Gabriel...he isn't going to be round forever" she mumbled, this only confused the boy further. "No one is around forever my know this" this only made his stomach churn by the thought of death. "He's Ill Tom and it's slowly killing him...he wont be here to finish Hogwarts."

Shock hit him, shock and guilt. his heart weighed heavy in his chest, sure he had no ties with the boy to cut but he was still a boy not much older than him, "when did he tell you?" letting go of the frail girl, he took a step back analysing her. "The night of the Ball" she whispered.

it all made sense now, why she was so glued to the boy since that night.

"Hey, look at me You have made the most happiest memories with him, you won't remember him as the sick boy he is now, you will remember him as the strong, Lovable, boisterous boy he was...He has been with you through thick and thin, now it's only time will tell where your journey ends" He proclaimed, his gaze never wavered from the dark blue orbs that drowned in tears.

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