Careful what you wish for

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December 31st 1938

The snow billowed and thrash at the Windows, begging to let its icy touch tingle and sting at any lonesome passerby, but that was not the case for two.

high up on the second floor of the Orphanage, a single room was illuminated by a warm glow, a contrast to the ink opaque skies.

"Happy Birthday Tom!" Rose announced, pulling out a cupcake from behind her back with a single candle sticking in the middle. with a snap of her finger's the single candle lit alight.

"Rosie, you know i don't celebrate" Tom huffed from his decaying desk, turning around to see the girl properly, a small smile tugged on his lips. there infront of him stood the girl holding a cupcake in one hand and a small rectangular box in the other.

"Oh, Come on Tom! Lighten up" sitting down on his creaky bed, she held up the cupcake towards him, waiting for him to blow out his candle.

"Rose.." Tom gave her a look that she knew all too well.

"Just once..please" she begged, setting down the cupcake on his desk nudging it towards him. "You could be gone by tomorrow, and i won't be able to see you grow any older than 11!"

A silence filled the room and all that was heard was the trashing wind and the yells that came from outside, it was New Years Eve and most people headed down towards the pub to celebrate the new beginning of yet another year.

"Fine.." Tom replied to the small girl, taking in a breath that filled his lung's he blew the candle out making a wish. Tom knew that it wouldn't come true but he could at least try.

He split the bun in half giving a half to her and one for himself, before tucking into the sweet delicacy, something was gently pushed next to his cake. it was wrapped in newspaper with a brown thread tied in a bow.

Tom looked at the gift with a soft gaze, he never received a gift from anybody before, and he knew that Rose couldn't decorate it like other gifts that children got, with shiny paper and fancy bows...but yet she tried to make it look presentable, with common newspaper and an old brown thread.

Taking it in his hands gently he looked up at her, noticing she was eating her half of the bun already.

Tearing the paper off of the gift, he was met with a black journal with golden edges, His name etched onto the front cover, much like her teddy.

"Rose" he couldn't find the words to thank her or even express what he was feeling.

"before you ask no, i didn't steal it. I saved up for it for a long time now" She graced him one of her sweet smiles. "Happy birthday Tom" she sat up from the iron bed and engulfed him into a hug.

"Thank you Rose" Tom whispered in her ear, Snaking his arms around her giving into the hug.

That Night was the first night Tom fell asleep since he was little, There on his side was Rose, both of them fell asleep together facing each other with a smile gracing both of their faces. Tom was not afraid of the dark when she was by his side, he was no longer scared when she was there. He hoped that she could stay by his side for eternity.

January 2nd 1938 

Rose was no longer being pestered by the boy named Billy Stubbs, She woke up one morning to him crying about something, his screams sounded horrid to her. But Tom blocked her view of what he was exactly crying about, all she heard was "You did this, You Monster!" "You will pay Tom Riddle" But of course Rose had no idea of what exactly happened, she pestered Tom about it but he wouldn't give in.

Walking down the long corridor that led to the play area, she heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Oh professor, where about's is this school?" she heard the matron ask

"The school is far from here, and is suited for his needs. i can assure you Mrs Cole, he will fit in better there than anywhere else." voiced a man.

"Tom is not a sociable person sir, he is quite attached to a little girl here. He surly wont leave her here..." At this, Rose's heart sank faster than you can say Magic.

Bolting up the stairs and busting down the door of Tom's room, and slamming it shut behind her. "I...I will N...Not let them T..Take you!" she heaved, trying to catch her breath, she was sure she looked like a mad woman.

"what..?" Tom was utterly confused on why she was in such a state.

regaining her breathing, she explained to him "There's a man downstairs' that's wanting to take you away, to some school far from here!" Tom's face lit up. "Thats wonderful!" he exclaimed

"We can finally got out of here Rosie!"  he got up from his chair with a smile plastered on his face. Before rose could even utter a word, a knock came from behind her.

Opening the door, she was greeted with a man in a suite, wearing half-moon shaped spectacles, his hair was auburn and  swept back taking centre stage was his colourful Piercing blue eyes.

"Rose come on, come help me with the dishes" Came a voice next to the man, turning her head she was met with Mrs Cole's tired eyes, she knew she couldn't fight against the weary woman.

"Okay.." she sulked her way over towards the matron, before she felt her arm being tugged back.

"No i want Rose to stay here!" Stated Tom from behind her. with face was no longer the bright happy one it was mere minutes ago. it was morphed into anger and confusion.

"I'm Sorry Tom but Mrs Highland can't stay" declared the man now standing in the room with the children.

Looking into Rose's eyes, Tom slowly let go of her arm. "Okay" was all he whispered finally letting her go.

Rose was now stood in the kitchen with Mrs Cole, cleaning and drying off the dishes, until the same man before waltzed in with Tom, Tom looked ecstatic  nearly looking as if he was about to explode with happiness.

"Rose!" Tom rushed to her and dragged her out of the room.

"There's a school, just for us! with kids that cam do the same things as we can!" Tom announced almost bouncing up and down. "Isn't this great! we can no longer be outcasts Rosie!". And with that Tom suffocated her in a bone crushing hug. Rose knew all too well that she wont be joining Tom on his journey "God Rose this is all i've wished for!"  He pulled back and smiled at the girl.

"Mr Riddle, it's time to go" voiced the man from earlier. waiting at the front door.

"Come on Rosie" Tom affirmed, grabbing her hand in the process, But was suddenly tugged back by a force. Looking back he saw that Mrs Cole had her hands on Rose's shoulders preventing her from leaving. "Let her go! she's coming too!" Declared Tom, his eyes Darting up at the old woman.

"I'm terrible sorry Mr Riddle, but Rose can't Join us" vowed the man behind Tom. The boy near broke his neck when he snapped it towards him. "Are you Mad?! she has magic just like me!...You have to let her come!" Tom was practically shaken with anger, as Mrs Cole tugged on Rose's shoulder once more trying to get the girl back.

"I wont leave, Not without Rose!" Tom Hollered at the man.

Walking up to the boy Rose touched his arm in a comforting way. "It's alright Tom" she voiced softly, "No It's not, I wont abandon you!" at this Tom's voice cracked slightly. Rubbing her hand through his hair trying to calm him down "Ill see you at the holidays hmm? then you can tell me all about your great adventures!" Rose spoke with softness, drooping her hand in his.

"Go and Have fun Tom...Ill be here waiting"

and with that Tom was whisked away out of the door and to god knows where.

"Please come back to me soon.." she whispered as she watched his figure disappear down the snowy lane

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