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As the rain pitter pattered along the train window, leaving behind a snail like trail in its wake. the clouds that where once the cotton balls that you wanted to eat for no apparent reason, where now a dull and dreary grey fading off into black. the countryside that zoomed past seemed eerie, almost like it hasn't been kissed by the rays of sun in decades.

The two students that sat in that compartment were enveloped in silence, but not the uncomfortable one, it was the one that you could sit in and just look at the person not having to say a word but know exactly what they are trying to say.

I grabbed my bag pulling it down beside me, rummaging through to see if i didn't forget it.

finally seeing what i was looking for, i pulled it out and cuddled up to it. "I see some things never change" came a rich voice infront of me. smiling softly to myself i fiddled with the biscuit coloured bear. "i suppose not "

looking down at the bear i had cuddled in my arms, i couldn't stop my smile from growing

" I suppose it has a new name now?" Looking up at The raven haired boy infront of me, i raked my eyes over his face.

"It dose, here" handing him the bear, he gently took it scanning the royal blue ribbon tied around its neck.

"Odette Élodie G"

"what dose the G stand for?" Tom questioned, looking at the ribbon more intently. gently rubbing his finger along the gold embroidery. not taking his eyes off the ribbon once. "You'll soon see" i replied back with, moving so i could sit next to him.

silence soon fell onto us. we listened to the rain as it thrashed against the window, begging to be let in.

"I like suits you, But Harlstone isn't your real name is it.." he murmured, still clinging onto the bear. "No, father wanted to protect me..." i replied painfully. wincing when he gave me back the teddy.

"i regret leaving"

Looking up towards the boy i've known for most of my life i was shocked when i saw his facial expression, The cold and hot tempered boy that shoved and hexed anyone who treated him wrongly. but there right now you wouldn't think it.

Looking at his eyes i noticed the glassy haze that clouded the swirling chocolate orbs that i adored so much, a single crystal drop fell gracefully lading with a soft thud.

"I Fucking left you when you needed me the most!" his fist landed on the window, making the raindrops that where sat there fall off. looking back at his fist i notice he kept it there, the cold soothing the pain.

"I left you when i was having the time of my life when you where rotting in that hell hole" he seethed, looking down at the ground at his shoes, his hand slowly falling.

He was no longer the strong and cunning boy that everybody looked up to, deep down...he was broken. he was made believe that his only sanity had perished in ruble and ash. leaving him with nothing once more.

"I might've not remembered you Tom, but i always held you in here" holding his hand near my heart. i could only see the battle that raged inside of him.

Tom's Pov

Feeling my eyes sting at the sensation that was bubbling up in me, all i wanted to do was just set it free. i was done building it up. i don't want to hide anymore but i know i have too. because if i even peeled back the layers that i've been hiding under i know i will be punished.

feeling the warm hands that enveloped mine, easing the pain from before, i looked up at the beautiful witch before me. her coffee orbs dancing with comfort and love.

"but when you where away, i missed you. i missed you so much that half my soul was gone, too far away for me to robbed me, but i was happy that you did. i suppose you can blame destiny, fate or even god if you believe. but too me i blame the writer, but also i'm glad they wrote a book about us, because i would never have met you, i would never get to experience our story." as she finished, the tears that i was holding back fell before i could help myself. i don't think i remember ever crying so hard before.

feeling my own body shake with sadness, guilt, grief and regret. it felt like all the years have came crashing down on me, the bullying, the torture and then losing her .

Feeling gentle arms wrap around me, brining me down in a comforting hug. Not having any control of my own body, i grabbed at her shirt and cried harder, feeling like a child who had only just lost his mother.

the clawing at my heart only pained as she tightened her hold on me. i want to love her...but how can she love a monster like me...

'i don't think i'm ready yet'

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