Shortbread and cinnamon

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the sound of oxford shoes clicked against the withered stone floor, the December breeze danced around the brunette locks that swayed with each step the girl took, running fingers gently along the castle walls taking in every grove and chip the walls had.

rounding a the corner Odette halted in her tracks as a voice called out to her.

"Harlstone, shouldn't you be at the match by now?"

turning her head ever so slightly, her coffee coloured orbs took notice of her favourite Slytherin.

"i could say the same thing to you Thomas...Or has golden boy got a ticket out of it" she voiced, arching a perfect eyebrow at the boy.

The sound of fabric filled the silence, standing next to the girl he took in her appearance. blue and silver ribbons decorated her chestnut hair, a royal blue oversized scarf was wrapped warmly around her neck hiding her chin and part of her mouth, hanging loosely in her left hand was a small flag adored with the black raven.

"i stand corrected, how come you're away from pretty boy?" he mocked, striding of down the hall not even waiting to see if she follows or not. avoiding the question altogether that she had asked him.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you Tom...and don't let him hear you saying that he might pounce on you" she finished with a wink and swiftly came to a stop at one of the paintings. reaching up she softly tickled the green pear, waiting for the door to appear she took a sly glance at the raven haired boy. "the Avery boy was quite something...didn't take you to have friends with big personality's" she smiled as she remembered the boy back in Herbology .

"Terrible at Herbology though, didn't think it would be that difficult to plat a chomping cabbage." she giggled at the picture in her mind "the way he screamed" Odette finished. slapping her knee in the process of laughing, seeing as the door appeared she took the handle and opened the green gateway to the kitchens.

"wait until you meet the rest of them... altogether it's a disaster waiting to happen" Tom commented, a small smile on his face, following the girl inside the kitchen.

appearing infront of the two students was a small little house elf, their clothes were a brownie colour with little patches of beige where the cloth must have ripped. bending down Odette gave a soft smile to the little creature causing it to blush, "Hello miss, what can Puddles get for you?" came the small voice of the elf.

"evening puddles, i was hoping if you could make up some cinnamon rolls please about ten would do it" Odette asked, smiling softly at the tired elf. "Of course Miss! anything for Sir?" the small creature said peering over Odettes shoulder "nothing for me"

rolling her eyes she whispered something to the small creature, nodding its head it went to work. "what did you say to it?" Tom questioned, but all he got in return was a cheeky smile. he missed that smile. it reminded him of the days that she used to try and cheer him up when the other kids would push and bully him.

"All in god time darling, all in good time" she called in a sing song voice. at this Toms cheeks burned a shade of pink, dusting his nose too. Darling...he hasn't been called that in years . trying to hide and compose himself the small house elf came trotting back with two packages. one tied with blue and silver ribbon and the other a dark green. arching his eyebrow at the girl infront of him he was completely dismissed by her.

turning she picked up two of the freshly made goods and looked at how thought-full the little bows where. smiling to herself she looked back at the boy who still had a slight dusting of pink on his cheeks. "loving the extra colour Love" she joked, thanking the small house elf she made her way back out to the castle corridor.

Turning on her Oxfords she came face to face with the colouring boy. "Here" she handed him the small box tied with the green ribbon, he gave her a questioning look.

"i just hope you still like them, now i really best be going ill see you around okay" smiling she reaching up on her tippy toes and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. walking away quickly as in not to miss the match. he watched her retreating figure, until he could not see her anymore. sliding the green ribbon of the box and carefully opening the lid he was met with small star shaped shortbread biscuits.

how did she still remember his favourite biscuits, he only ate the star shaped ones because each time he ate one he wished to leave the orphanage and belong to a family that loved him. While he ate the star shaped ones, she ate the little heart ones claiming that one day her love will feel the same as she dose one day. he never understood what she meant but each and ever time that she had that biscuit in her hand he would purposely brake it in two so her wish would never come true...but little did he know it already had.

"Awh How cute! look at the little stars Nott aren't they adorable!" squealed Alexander, looking over Toms shoulder and into the small box of biscuits

"Mmm adorable.." Nott voiced, tone dripping in venom.

"Oh, Riddle who gave them to you?"

"Miss Harlstone offered me them, said she had to much to give too her friend Beaumont." Tom declared, turning swiftly on his foot and striding down the hall.

"My Angle gave them to you! oh my lord and i thought she couldn't get any better" Voiced Alexander, his hand on his chest and his eyes fluttered shut.

Nott tutted at his antics, his gaze following the raven haired boy infront of him, noticing the green ribbon tangled in his fingers 'Offered my ass'

"My Lord, have you found anything for your research?" Nott Declared his voice strong and demanding.

"last time i checked Theodore it was none of your bushiness weather i have or not...or do you want a repeat of last time when you where aloud to speak freely" Tom stabbed, his menacing orbs that were only gently moments ago.

"No My lord" Nott uttered, bowing his head.

" i do want you to do something for me though...and if you choose to disobey..." he twirled his wand in his free hand. "i need you to get a book for me, it resides in the restricted section"


"Gabe!" shouted a voice from behind the crowd, turning he tried to see where his favourite badger was. "Odie!" he called pushing past the crowds of people that gathered, Ravenclaw had won the match against Gryffindor, with Gabriel finishing the game by catching the golden snitch.

"Over here!" turning around he saw the small girl covered head to toe in silver and blue confetti. he noticed the blue and silver ribbons in her hair and the flag she was carrying, but what caught his attention was his scarf that near enough swallowed her whole.

running over to the girl he picked her up in a hug and spun her around not caring if anyone was looking and judging them. kissing her forehead as he sat her back on the ground "congratulation on winning pretty boy, thought you where only a pretty face to look at" she laughed as he flashed her a wink.

"here i got some food for you" she said, holding out the box of baked goodies, "Woman, i could marry you. please after graduation would you take me to be your husband, i would make you the happiest wife ever!" he cried and stuffing a cinnamon roll in his mouth.

"i'll think about it" she voiced, stuffing her mouth with the cinnamon goodness.

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