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A gale rapped against the French windows, tree branches danced and thrashed against the glass pane there was no sign of the beautiful birds that sang a sweet song for they took refuge away from the harsh weather.

Inside the magnificent stone walls sat a boy and girl, looking out from the comfort of the Queen sized bed
And onto the manors garden, watching the chaos that took place.

On the bed sat the blonde boy who cradled the girl who now owned Admiral swirls, her head resting on his lap as he played with her brown locks.

"So...what happened to Pretty boy?" Questioned the Boy, A snarl playing on his lips.

Closing her eyes she let out a groan, holding the boys hand closer to her shielding her eyes away from the world.

"Not Now Gabe please, I don't want to think about it"

Looking down at the girl on his lap, a stabbing pain came from his chest, he wanted to kill that Raven haired prick. Always flaunting himself, thinking he's better than everyone when really in reality he's a fucked up bipolar boy who says he loves someone then next, leaves them high and dry..

"Odie my dear sweet generous friend...he is nothing but shit at the end of my shoe and a narcissist prick who deserves nothing in life!" Gabriel spat, his eyes narrowing as he finished his sentence, he couldn't stand the boy no more, he left last night, not a letter to explain why. He told the girl he would leave in the morning, at least then she would be able to say goodbye.

A laugh filled the room, echoing off the walls and into the blonde boys ear.

"Riddle Must have left a sour taste in your mouth" she joked, cracking a crooked smile  at the boy.

"Um huh hello? No one leaves a sour taste in my mouth, thank you very much" he cackled, shoving the girl off of him, and making her roll of and hit the floorboards that resided underneath.

"Now back to my question, what happened with pretty boy?" He poked again, this time he heard a broken sound coming from the girl on the cream flooring.

"I don't understand why he left...he looked at me differently last night, much like the way my father looked at me when he called me a monster..." Gabriel could tell that she was miserable and it broke him to see her like that, he was livid to hear about what her father said to her, she was far from a monster.

"Well you can always love me until you die, and it's for the best, you're better off without him" he chimed, trying to make the brunette smile, but all he got back in return was a hum.

Sighing he got up from the bed and pulled her up from the floor, sitting her back down on the bed, holding his hand out he summoned two cups and in the other a bottle of fire-whiskey.

"Now my beautiful princess, I declare that me and you shall get pissed out of our minds and mend that brokenness you feel...agree" he declared, swinging the glasses in-front of her, as if teasing her with a treat.

Pondering on the thought she glanced at the amber liquid swishing around.

"Alright Prince Charming, agreed" with that she didn't even bother to take the glass and took a swig of the bottle, letting the substance trickle down her throat enjoying the burning sensation it left in its wake, she gagged at the aftertaste handing the bottle back to the Ravenclaw boy.

"Merlins beard, that's rough" she coughed out, rubbing her eyes as tears formed form the strong smell.

"Not as rough as what your going to look like tomorrow morning" he jeered, passing the bottle back to her, the glasses completely forgotten about all signs of class gone down the drain

" Gabriel Beaumont you are a bad influence"

"Well princess raise your head high cause tonight we toast" he cheered, raising the bottle in the air with a crooked smirk.

"Tonight we forget about The boy called Tom Riddle, and we will forget him completely so if it's all the same to you Princess, Good Bye, Good Luck and Good riddance you filthy piece of shit!" Sang the boy, he was now standing up on the bed, bellowing his heart out for anyone who would listen.

If Gabriel has learnt one thing tonight is that Golden Titles are intoxicating and manipulative, and that he would keep the boy called Tom Marvolo Riddle away From his little sister, even if it killed him..

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