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1940, December 19th

Thick blankets of snow engulfed the grounds of Hogwarts. The crisp air drifted and danced its way throughout the hallways of the castle, tickling the noses of the students who dared to not wear any scarfs. you could taste the freshness in the December air, almost like taking it in for the first time.

A figure could be seen in one of the decayed alcove's, simple tan parchment scattered everywhere on the small ledge, in one hand you could see a deep red feather quill, with small gold details.

"You know red isn't really your colour honey" Came a voice from behind the person, "God, how on earth can you work like this...it's a pig stye!" The voice picked up one of the parchment sheets and waved it about with a look of disgust.

"Gabriel, i love you and all but please and kindly move your fat arse somewhere, where its wanted"   

Gabriel opened his mouth to speak but then shut it again. in short he looked like a fish out of water " My, My...kitty got claws." he smirked putting his hands up in a mocking manner clawing the air. "Meow"

looking down at the girl in front of him, noticing her normal pale cheeks were tinged a cherry red, "Yea red really isn't your colour, doesn't go with black and yellow...do ya get my drift?"

"Who the hell made you fuckin witch weekly!" argued The little brunette, her cheeks growing more red due to embarrassment. they weren't necessarily somewhere private, she could see some Gryffindors and Ravenclaws glance their way.

"Oh hush Oddie, you always make a scene! You're just jealous i have better fashion sense" finished the boy with a dramatic swing of his robe.

"HA, funny thing is and i don't think its quite hit you yet but you have no sense at all" Odette paused getting up and walking over the the boy "In fact, there's defiantly a screw loose in there somewhere" she added, tapping his forehead lightly. 

"The audacity"

"The Audacity" she copied mocking him, walking over to her scattered parchment, gently packing it all away.

"You are near a grown ass woman and your mocking me"

"and your almost a grown ass man who thinks he has better fashion sense than me, but in reality you couldn't style a bin bag if it was thrown at you"

"oh honey no, i wouldn't style it i would own it." he finished with a boop on her nose.

Gabriel waited for the girl to finish packing her bag "Your definitely coming to the quidditch match?" he asked hopefully. grabbing her bag of her and swinging it around his own shoulder. "Gabe i'm completely capable of handling my own bag." "no need princesse" he winked with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Yes i'll come after Herbology, I'll bring you a snack too how about that?" The boy grinned ear to ear " I knew there was a reason i loved you, you sexy woman you" Kissing her cheek, they continued walking until they reached Odettes class.

"Ill see you later okay" he said, engulfing the small girl in a hug. "see you later Gabe"

with that The boy adored in blue and silver trotted away with a smile on his face. sighing odette pushed the oak door open to be greeted with the smell of soil, rosewood and cypress. A smile made its way on the girls face, it smelt of her fathers green house. she loved it there. in the summer time both of them would plant bright and vibrate flowers, and then pick them for one another, she loved her father dearly, sure Tom was her forever home but her father was Home, A house is never a home, but the people you love...their the home you have. the smell of her Father brought her a comfort no one else could. Tea, Wood, parchment, cypress trees and smoke. she loved that smell with all her heart.

walking over to one of the benches she took a seat and waited for the rest of the class to filter in, looking around in awe of all the different plants that either hung from the ceiling or scattered around the floor, taking a deep breath in and filling her lungs with the dreamy scent. she was snapped out her thoughts when a rich voice came from in front of her

"you know, anyone would think you're a bit of a loon just sniffing the air.." snapping her eyes open she was greeted by a flurry of green and black.

"Oh Good morning Thomas, I never realised you were joining me in Herbology, i would have walked with you" she beamed up and the boy infront of her.

"My Goodness Riddle, where have you been hiding this one?" came another voice, this time She was greeted by another boy. His hair was a honey colour that rested just above his eyes, his completion was tanned with a dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks. his eyes where almost the same as his hair with long black eyelashes, he certainly was a looker.

"Avery manners, and i haven't been hiding her nowhere she is new to Hogwarts" Tom explained with irritation, his jaw set with narrowed eyes looking at the boy.

"Well in that case, hello gorgeous  i'm  Alexander Avery" he bowed taking her hand and giving it a kiss, finishing with a wink as he stood tall once more "well aren't you the charmer" "Did it work" he asked hopefully, causing Tom to roll his eyes "No... got to try harder than that" she laughed and winked mocking him.

"Well then little badger, care to tell me your name?"

"Odette Harlstone" she gave him a small smile

clutching at his chest he feign swooned " Oh Riddle she's an angle from above i'm telling you!" this only caused tom to look down at the girl in front of him with a smile of  his own "Indeed she is" he whispered to himself

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