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The sound of birds chirping filled the crisp morning air, mildew grazed the windows that on looked the Hospital gardens filled with shrubs and flowers ranging in all sorts of colours, the sky was like the ocean with beautiful rolling waves. Planes could be seen flying overhead leavening vapour trails behind like a snail trail.

The floral scent banished away the medical smell that would linger in Odettes room, the beautiful Bouquet had crystallised overnight leaving them looking like they were just harvest from the rain.

The two boys lay still, their snore's welcoming the new morning, only Odette was awake to see the sun rays tickle over the horizon.

Her mahogany eyes were transfixed with the scenery before her she didn't hear the rustling of the sheets.

"Achillea, why are you up so early? It's..." Otis murmured, flickering his watch round to look at the time "5:58 in the morning" yawning he leaned back on his chair only making his back give a loud crack.

"Oh shitting hell that was good" he sang quietly to himself.

"Achillea? What's with this huh" Odette questioned, her brow raised in a arch, her eyes held a mirth that had long started to fade.

"It's only what I think suits you best, plus the meaning behind it is truly beautiful" he smiled, standing up and dusting himself down.

Yawning Odette snuggled back into her blankets, her nose buried underneath. "Why not tell me the meaning then?"

"It wouldn't be fun that way now would it, anyway I best get this one home...he was truly worried about you, you know." He paused, his eyes downcast "It's sickening to think that your own family didn't show even when they say blood is thicker than water, what a load of bullshit" Otis cursed, his jaw ticking as he thought about it all, how could one girl be so happy when isolated to the shadows, she wears a mask yet it holds no cracks.

"We'll come back later tonight Achillea, just get some rest okay" walking forward he gave a light kiss to the top of her head then shook Malfoy awake.

As the time passed Odette slipped in and out of the dreamless world, the comforting blanket cocooning her body away from the frost bitten world, only it seemed to move away from her and warmth enveloped her.

The smell of books and vanilla invaded the once citrus scent that gave Odette comfort. "I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner my flower" whispered a husky voice, unable to open her eyes she could only listen to what the voice had to say.

"I Promise to you I had nothing to do with that wretched girl" Feeling lips kiss the top of her head, her heart could only melt to mush. She had missed his kisses and soothing voice.

"I wish I would've been faster, I wish I could take the pain that you feel...I wish a lot a things but I know it's fruitless, it only shows how much I need to hurry my research" feeling the bed shift, she felt arms snake around her bringing the blanket over them.

"Sleep tight Flower" Kissing her temple, she couldn't fight the sleep that clawed at her but she could hear a voice that sounded livid, but she could only catch the snippets of what they were saying.

"Riddle...Out.......No.....She's.....fault...I've heard....Beaumont......I don't care...."

And that was the last thing that she could hear before a thud sounded in the Inclosed hospital room.
Striding down the narrowing halls that twisted and turned into a labyrinth that seemed impossible to navigate, Otis came to a halt in-front of the door that he broke into the night before.

Laying there was his Lord next to Odette, his blood boiled beyond belief.

'This little shit just walks in here and thinks it's okay? Na lad Not okay!'

"Riddle! Please enlighten me on why in Merlin's ass crack Are You here hmm? Actually no it's alright I've got a better idea I think you got lost, the door is that way" he emphasised, gesturing at the door with both hands " so if you don't mind Get Out." He sneered, he knew he was playing with fire but what's life without a bit of thrill especially when you to had mastered the art of Manipulation and bombardment.

"Lestrange have you forgotten who you're talking to?" Tom remarked, one of his Ebony curls kissing his brow as he arched it.

Otis only look aloof with Riddles theatrics, it was always the same 'have you forgotten who you're talking to'.  ' should I pay a reminder of who I am and who you serve!?'  Yada Yada Yada.

"No Trust me I've been with you for near five years, I'm not senile yet..and she's in no fit state to see you're face and it's you're fault she's in here, you did nothing you stood there and watched like some sicko...I've already heard the story from the Beaumont boy...did you think a Sick boy would have enough energy to fight? You're lucky he's strong enough because this" he gestured round.

"Would be a whole other story Riddle"

"I think you're forgetting who you're talking to Lestrange" hissed Riddle, his eyes growing a menacing shade of deep brown.

' Ding Ding, Ten point to fucking Slytherin. Put that in you're fucking pipe Malfoy and smoke it!'

" to be quite Frank Riddle I give no shits...shocking I know imagine that Otis Lestrange giving no shits towards life...should make that my motto, could you write that down for me?" Cheered the boy, his body language slumped backwards and his eyes partly closed with a crazed smile.



"My, My Riddle stab a man in the back while his eyes are closed. Naughty Naughty"

Riddle Vanished and Reappeared with what looked to be a small knife, it's blade glinted in the dim lighting. Holding it up to the boys neck he made the smallest cut making sure not to cut a vital vein.

"You need to learn you're pecking order Lestrange, otherwise one could easily get killed if not careful with what they say"  Bit Tom, his face inch's away from Otis's.

"You're forgetting Riddle, I Don't Care" finishing his sentence, Otis pursed his lips and spat on Tom, his spit landing on his cheek.

Chuckling, Riddle summoned his wand and tapped it on the boys neck "Furunculus" he whispered. Keeping his hand on Lestrange's mouth he could already feel his skin heat up.

"Since I make you're blood boil so much, I thought it would be a nice touch to actually put it to the test and see how far you can handle it"

Otis could feel his body warm at first, beads of sweat trickled down his forehead and back, then it seemed his skin was getting pricked by invisible needles, his blood could only be described as what a kettle would be like, boiling it until it reached boiling point. His skin looked like he had been doused in scorching hot water, Redness had spread like wild fire, his eyes had become bloodshot and teary.

"Riddle please stop!" Cried the boy, it felt like his whole being was melting.

"Well since you asked so nicely" lifting the curse, he watched as the boy tumbled down to the ground, not even bothering to help or slow his fall he just stood there watching.

"I'm glad we had this talk Otis..." walking back towards the hospital bed he climbed back in and cuddled the small Brunette forgetting all about the boy who shrivelled on the ground.

' Please Achillea...Don't fall for his traps, he's only a monster disguised as a Angel'


Hello my angels, what do you all think so far? I know it's a slow burn and taking a while to get their but it's getting everyone's backstory. But is it making sense?

Thank you for all the love and support that you've been giving to the book, I love you all Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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