The Monster

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As the snow rapped along the window pane of the Magnolia manor, leaving behind a white dusting in its wake. the grounds of the manor had been covered in it's winter blanket. the lake was now frozen over, seeing the little ducks waddle over the icy platform their flippers slipping with every step. the evergreen bushes, now invisible.

the only sound that could be heard within the manor was the pitter patter of little feet running up and down the long corridors, the elves that ran back and fourth with bedding, cloths, clothes and cleaning supplies, it was like any other day in the Grindelwald manor...well almost like any other day.

Tom's Pov

"Tom?.." a honey like voice called out to me, their voice was wispy like air itself.

"Darling, are you awake? you took quite the fall" feeling a soothing hand skim over my forehand, brushing away one of my stray curls.

i couldn't help but stir in my sleep letting the hand fall limply on the bed, peeling my eyes open only to be greeted with the blizzard that took place just outside the window.  turning my body to see who it was that pushed aside my curl, i was greeted by a small little girl.

"Good Morning Tom" cooed the little girl. her small hand coming out and brushing away the stray hairs that fell infront off my face.

looking closer at the little girl, she reminded me of someone. her mahogany hair was in perfect ringlets, cascading down her back like the waves of the ocean. her ivory dress was neatly ironed not a wrinkle or crease to be seen, one thing that did strike me was her eyes, they were weather beaten and perished, but yet there was still that familiar glint in them.

her complexion  was like porcelain, with faded dustings of small little freckles. her baby face held sadness and loneliness. but yet it held the memories of my childhood.

"Rosie?" Lifting up a hand to reach out to the little girl sitting on the bed next to me, placing it on her small arm, i was startled when she felt like ice.

looking back up at her face, i noticed her lips turning blue. "Why did you leave me...i was so lonely Tom" At that, my gut wretched and so did my heart. feeling her body temperature drop significantly, i rip the covers off  me and wrap her in them. 

"It's no cant heal whats already been broken, i gave you the remains  of what was left of me, but yet you still ran"  she rasped, her voice sounding different than before. it was like she was struggling for breath...even though she could breath perfectly fine.

"Rosie i came back, i'm here with you. i will never leave your side again" i clambered to hold her hands. looking in her soulless orbs. i notice she wasn't looking at me but rather out the window past me.

"You've created a Monster Riddle, you may not see it yet, but you will and when that day will wish that i was in that orphanage when it was bombed." she sneered, slowly retreating her eyes to look at mine, they were far from the brown colour i came to adore and cherish . instead they where blue the silverly blue that roared as waves on a raging ocean, they where hazardous.  

Gulping down the saliva that built in my mouth, i went to go reach her but was blocked by a force.

"You will Not Win, Riddle...may this be your warning"

and with that she disappeared, leaving me alone once more. feeling the crushing weight of everything come down on me like a ton of bricks.

"Tom! wake up!" 


"Thomas Riddle, wake up!"

jolting upright in bed, i was covered head to toe on sweat, feeling small droplets roll down my cheek i notice i was crying. looking to my right i see it was still snowing, seeing the small snowflake drift and dance from the sky calmed me a bit.

"Tom?" a worried voice called out to i know all too well.

glancing over to my left i notice the figure sitting down next to me, the same spot she was in mere seconds ago. 

Odette's pale hand came out to sweep away my hair that had fallen over my eyes, slicking them back to their original place. i couldn't help the tighten of my jaw and the twist in my mouth, the pure and utter disgust i felt for myself when i saw her brows crease and her lip tug downward.

quickly withdrawing her hand away she stood up, dusting the invisible dust of herself.

"Dinner is almost ready, i suggest having a shower and getting ready" she spoke with her usual joyful tone, but i could see her smile was fake and one of sadness and confusion.

"Odette listen i-"

"its okay, ill see you at dinner"

and with that she was gone.

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