The Rose

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Sitting at the marble white vanity, Odette gazed at herself, her brunette hair falling in soft waves around her, resting just below her shoulders, her cheeks had a soft dusting of Rose, while her lips were painted a ruby colour.

Her dress flowed out like the soft waves of the sea, ranging in Peach to baby blue, the corset and bust of the dress was decorated in beautiful small blossoms, crystals raining downwards like raindrops from the top to the bottom getting more scarce as it reached midway of the dress. Her Hallow necklace was took pride place on her chest where it was seen due to the Deep V in the neckline. The dress had no sleeves instead the only thing holding it up was two peach ribbons either side, and the baby blue ribbon that was attached to the corset of the dress.

The reason for all of this was because the Grindelwald's were hosting a Ball for Tom's Birthday but also for their little girl coming home for the Holidays.

They were trying to make up for lost time, it's what they've always done since they got her back safe in their arms again.




Pulling away from the train of thoughts that plagued her mind, she glanced over to the French windows that kept the billowing winds of the night away, spotting a brown barn owl she swiftly got up from the white vanity and glided over to the to the French windows, opening them carefully, not wanting the wind to burst them open violently.

Letting the brown Barn owl swoop in and take refuge from the gushing winds. It rested just on top of the mountain of books that laid beside her bed, ruffling it's feathers, as if trying to get its bearings back. The navy blue and white owl from the other side of the room looked at the nut brown bird in curiosity, seeing it's feathers all ruffled and some sticking up in places it shouldn't.

Vero hooted as if mocking the Nutty brown creature.

"Vero, Knock it off! You wouldn't like it if I stuck you out there would you.?" Odette Chastised, glaring at the beautiful owl.

The Navy feathered bird flapped it's wings, making one of Odettes porcelain ornaments plummeting to the ground, shattering it tiny pieces.

"Maybe out of punishment, I should put you out there and let the wind take you" huffed the girl, grabbing obsidian wand from her nightstand "Reparo"

Seeing the little shattered pieces glue back together on its own, she smiled seeing it back to its original form.

Brining her attention back to the brown barn owl she noticed something attached to its leg, it was a small brown packaged parcel, with yellowing parchment attached.

Untying the parcel, she scanned over the note.

My Darling Flower
I hope you Find Apollo just as charming as I do, he might be a bit slow now and again but that's just part of the charisma, just like the way you love me I suppose, anyway I hope you find the gift that I sent just as gorgeous as I find you.

Forever yours


"Poetic Basterd" chuckled the girl, pulling off the string that kept the paper from falling off. Peeling aside the brown wrapping, she was greeted by the most glamorous Hair piece she had ever seen.

A singular peach rose sat on-top of the brown wrapping, small crystals decorated the rose as if it was freshly picked from a garden that was just sprinkled with morning Dew. It's golden claws that gripped the hair shimmered in the warm light that swarmed the room.

Gently touching the Rose as if was like fine china, scared it might break even under the light pressure of her fingertips.

"It'a gorgeous" she whispered, still in awe of the gift. Hearing a knock she gently placed the gift down on her bed, moving to open the door.

Pulling back the door knob, she was surprised when she saw who waited on the other side.

Golden eyes gazed back at her, swirling with comfort and something else... A sage green tux Hugged their body perfectly, their caramel hair Styled back in a slick but a few strands had come undone and now fell in-front of their eyes.

"Alexander!? Shouldn't you be down with father?" She voiced, her tone soothing to the boy in-front.

"Yes, well what life without a bit of fun" he chuckled, leaning half his weight on the doorframe.

"Could I come in Angel?" He beamed at the girl.

"Yea sure, come on in" she moved aside to let the boy in, gliding over to the Peach Rose that was sitting on her bed.

Noticing this Avery spoke up "Did Tom get you that?" Spitting his name like a bad taste.

"Yes, he did. It's beautiful isn't it?" Odette admired. Picking up the hair clip with love.

Looking at the girl in-front of him with pure and utter contentment and fondness, he walked over to her and gently took the hair piece.

"But not as beautiful as you My angel" he uttered gently, spinning her around and grabbing his wand from his blazer pocket, tapping the crown of her head, seconds later a elegant bun appeared on the crown of her head, Golden vines Intertwining with the hair.

Smiling at his work, he placed the hair clip into the bun and spun her around gracefully.

Smiling up at the boy in-front of her, her dimples appearing when she saw her reflection from the mirror behind him.

"Alexander, It's so pretty, thank you" she whispered, bringing her gaze back up at the boy she didn't notice how close he had gotten.

"My Angel, your far from Pretty or even Beautiful... in my own words you are far from indescribable." His breath fanned over her, he smelt like coconut and soft vanilla mixed in with freshly cut grass.


"You are bewitching my angel...and you have bewitched me, you bewitched me along time ago"

His lips met hers in the most delicate kiss, she couldn't pull away it was like some force was preventing her to move, She wanted it to stop her heart was beginning her to stop it but her mind Wasn't.

Her heart belonged to Tom, Not Alexander Avery... or any other boy.

"He doesn't deserve you, you are too good for him. You don't deserve the darkness" he whispered over her lips.


Thank you for all the love and support that you've been giving me. I've noticed that I don't write books the way some authors do I don't put much dialogue but a lot of disruption, but I think to me that's better cause you get a sense of what's around them and what's going on.

On anther note What's going on with Odette and Avery! Do you think she'll find out Toms secrets or will she forever be blind to his mishaps?

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