Why Her And Not Me

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 "Look who came crawling back"

 "Jemisha, what on earth are you doing in this manor!?" Tom spat, his vision was starting to haze black spots started blotching the walls. "I'm glad you remembered me Riddle, after all we did spend so long together" giggled the girl, her cat like eyes scanning  him like pray. 

his black robe billowed behind him as he lunged for the girl infront of him, slamming her into the wall behind, her head making a sicking crack with the impact "You meant nothing to me, you where just there to fill up the space" he whispered in her ear, his fingers inclosing around her neck as he pressed down on the veins were crimson blood flowed like a river. 

"You Loved Me" she choked out, tears swelling in her green eyes as she clawed at his hands, chuckling he brought his face back to look at her "You foolish girl, you where mistaken I could nor would anyone love you" the familiar darkness danced in his eyes as he saw the girls tears fall and her breathing slow. 

"I only Love one and it will never be you" throwing her aside, he reached for his doorknob and pushed it open, his eyes savouring each and every memory that was shared here. 

"You know Theodore Begged me to do his dirty work, i swore to myself i would never hurt her but you leave me no choice Tom, If i cant love you no one can!" 

turning his head to see her run off, something in his gut dropped. He went to move his feet but they where planted to the ground. 

"Jamisha!" he roared, his heart was hammering sweat dripped of off his bruised and battered face as he tried to rip his feet from the dark oak flooring, but that soon stopped when he heard a blood curdling scream the scream that made his blood run cold. 

"Jamisha!" yanking his body his feet finally freed themselves, dashing throughout the corridors and bashing into the walls he finally came to the room where he saw Gabriel and Rose, but he was almost sick when he saw what was infront of him. 

There lay the brunette on the cold wooden floors, her hair drenched in blood as well as her ivory skin, her eyes where wide as tears spilled out. her shoulder was savaged on her as skin was torn off in chunks, her jumper was bathed in blood and the ivory bone could been seen sticking out of the flesh, and their sat on top was the madding girl that lay on the floorboards moments ago. Blood pooling from her lips as she devoured the flesh before her. 

"Say goodbye princesse" Jamisha cooed in the girls ear, bringing her fangs down near the girls vital vein tearing the fair skin as she did so. 

that was until she was thrown off the girl. Standing above Rose was the sandy blonde boy that had been through the wars, his olive coloured wand pointing out. 

"You, you greasy arsed prick think that you can prance in here and do what you please!?" his wand shot out a dark curse, making the girls eyes roll back in her head and her body compulse. "I swear if i find out you're one of Riddles playdates i will kill you then him." he voiced loud enough for both of them to hear, turning his back on her he raced over to Rose, her body losing blood by the second, the fair skin turning corpus like her ruby cheeks were losing there colour. What almost made the boy double over was the gapping gouge that oozed black sap.  

"Wingardium Leviosa" Gabriel whispered as he hovered his wand over her.  

He saw her body float limply in the air, her wavy chestnut hair sticking to her back and face, stalking towards the door he came to a stop next to the raven haired boy, his face turning into a scowl. "If i find out that she is connected to you Riddle, I'll send hell you're way for what she's done tonight" shoving the boys shoulder he quickly made his way out of the room only to stop short. "I'm sick of you braking her heart over and over again...when will you learn that enough is enough? for Christ sake your almost 16!" he chastised the younger boy. "What baffels me the most was that you just stood there.." scoffing he just looked at the back of the boys head, continuing walking he quickened his pace as he saw the ashy colour she was turning. 

 "I'm Sorry..." it was the only thing Tom could say, looking at the pool of blood that seeped into the floorboards he stayed frozen it felt like he was hit with a locking curse. The images replayed in his mind as he saw the colour of her face and the way she looked at him...and yet he stood there doing nothing. 

snapping his neck in the direction of the Witch that laid slumped against the wall, he crouched down taking a fist full of her ebony locks, he pulled her head back. "You sicking me" he spat. 

"Tell me why Nott sent you, what is his goal." 

she only smiled at the boy, her grin acting as if someone slit her mouth open, "My, My. Hasn't the infamous Tom Riddle not figured it out?" she sang, her green eyes crazed "You're growing weak! and a weak lord holds too much liabilities...to many mistakes"

grabbing her chin he forced her head into the solid wall, a loud crack followed suit. letting go he watched as she sunk to the floor, leaving the smeared blood stain on the ultramarine walls.

her skull was cracked open and damage was caused to the vital centres of her body, but that didn't stop the boy lifting up his yew wand a malicious smile spread across his lips. 


casting the spell he controlled her body, making her head collide with the solid wall multiple time until she was unrecognisable. 

Tutting, he folded his arms and gazed down at the girl who was once quite beautiful. 

"Two can play your childish game Theo..."

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