I love you's

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Stalking along the narrowing corridors, the only source of light was the moon itself which highlighted the hallways and stone slabs which had been layered in dust for centuries.

The moon was the only witness to see the Dark robes swishing and dancing around, making it seem like it was some sort of black smog. Grey eyes scanned through nooks and crannies, staying out of sight. The shadows greeted him like an old friend hiding him from preying eyes.

"Good Night princess, sleep well" a calming voice echoed throughout the halls, peering around the cobblestone wall Tom noticed the blue eyed boy that was named Gabriel Beaumont.

"Goodnight Gabe, thank you for today" replied a sweet voice, that belonged to Odette.

And with that the only thing that filled the warm night was the sound of Oxford shoes clicking away, quickly dashing to the area where both of them where he was greeted by the brown barrels and a brunette that stood just in-front of them with her back towards him.

His voice became dry, his vocal chords didn't know how to work no more, his speech failed him but yet she was right there only inches away but his body failed to move, to make a sound to say that he's there.

But what he wasn't expecting was for her to turn around,her eyes wide with surprise and what seemed like anger.

"Thomas..." her voice sent chills down the boys spine, it's not the way she used to greet him at all.

".Rosie...." His eyes softened and so did his posture, his knees felt like they could crumble anytime those lapis orbs latched onto him.

The girl said nothing, she had nothing to say to the boy for all he brought her was heartache and tears.

Taking a step closer, he held out his hand only for it to touch her arm, it get foreign to him. "Rosie I am truly sorry for the pain I caused you...my heart doesn't feel the same no more,I need you with me I need your voice to guide me through the darkness...I need you"

Trickles of tears ran down the boys cheek, he was a completely different person when he was faced with the girl in-front of him, he became soft and vulnerable.

"Perhaps it's true what they say Thomas...you can only find love in books and fairytales because it could not live anywhere else, your love was not genuine it was forced...your love lives in darkness surrounded by chains to keep it at bay" she whispered, her gaze downcast, "dry you're eyes Tom, do not shed them for I do not need them"

And with that she turned her back and began her way back into her own house where joyous laughter could be heard. "But I do! I love you with every fibre in my body every bone aches to be with you to touch you only my ears want to hear you beautiful laugh that brings smiles to faces unknowingly, my tears only shed for you!"  He cried, hoping to get her to see what she really means to him

"I will love you unconditionally, the love that you see in your books will be the love I shower you with...Trust me when I say I would burn the world just to see you smile or even hear the angelic laughter you have..."

Tasking a careful steps towards the girl he tucked away the lose strands of hair that fell behind her ear, "I love you like the moon loves the sun, for it cannot shine without it."   Looking down at her lapis orbs he saw the love burn behind them just like they used to, gazing down at her heart shaped lips he was swarmed with the smell of books and pine needles, he didn't know when his lips met hers but it was like the final piece of an impossible puzzle.

"I love you so very dearly" he whispered

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