Deathly Hallows

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rushing down the winding white slabs of marble, My mahogany coloured hair flying behind me, my feet rushing to get to the bottom i nearly tripped over my own dress. father had called me when i left Toms room, he said he had a surprise for me before dinner, to excited to even acknowledge where i was heading i bumped into something or should say someone, taking them to the ground with me.

"Merlin.." wheezed the voice.

"Oh my merlin, i apologise-" looking down at the person i notice the honey coloured hair and the most dazzling caramel eyes ever seen.

"Alexander! what on earth are you doing here?" pulling my self up, i dusted my dress off and lent a hand to the boy, pulling him up along side me.

"Not happy to see me then Gorgeous, and here i thought you where falling for me." he chuckled, giving me a little bow and taking my hand in his, giving it a little peck.

hearing the sound of oxford steal heels clinking against the marble floors, i could see the flash of silverly hair i grew to adore turning the corner.

"My Lord" looking to my right i saw Alexander taking a deeper bow than before. "You know my Father?" seeing his caramel eyes twinkle i got my answer. 'sneaky little one aren't you'

"Ah i see that you two know each other, i am correct yes?" came the smoothness of my fathers voice.

"Yes Father, we met not too long ago, in Herbology could say he's a charmer" i explained, smiling to myself as i said the last bit.

hearing a throat being cleared behind us, we all looked to see who it was, once my gaze landed on the raven haired boy that stood on the staircase, my heart twinged. giving him a soft smile i returned my attention to Alexander.

"Now tell my why you're here, don't keep me in suspense!" i cheered, looking up at the honey coloured boy.

"i think it's best if your father tells you." he acknowledged

looking at my father with confusion and slight excitement, i arched one of my eyebrows at him.

"come with me darling" he beckoned me to walk with him.

taking the way to our greenhouse, we passed the many portraits of us together as a family, ones off of Christmas, halloween and birthdays. coming to a halt in front of the two glass doors, he swiftly moved his hand and they both swung open. travelling along the paths that where covered in moss and bushes and other exotic flowers you might see dotted around the area.

stopping at a cream coloured bench, small vines growing up the arms and legs, flowers blooming randomly amongst it. we sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"father what was it that you wanted to speak of?" i voiced.

"Darling, i think you're old know all about my cause, don't you?"

"Of course, it's the greater good. you'll make everything better for wizardry kind, you'll make our world better father" i shared, telling him what he told me years ago.

"Thats right sweet-pea, and i think your time has come" he assured, handing me a necklace.

⎯Toms Pov⎯

"Avery, you dare turn your back on me!" I roared, my knuckles turning white, due to the pressure in my fist.

"Riddle, i haven't turned my back on you, you will always be my friend. your just not my leader no more, i'm not saying you got distracted or anything along those lines Tom but I've known Odette a lot longer than you thought." he explained


"i know she's the girl from the orphanage Tom, i also knew she fled to France with her father, i've been her fathers follower for quite some time, i'm not doing this for the greater good..i don't give two shits about that but what i do care about is Odette. i won't let her get harmed." he added, feeling my blood boil at this new information, i couldn't help the curse that left my lips.


several swords and daggers came whizzing around the corner, one landing right in, Avery's leg, seeing the crimson blood ooze out of the wound a smirk graced my features. "Your telling me that i suffered three near four years knowing i though she was dead and gone, and you didn't think to tell me?!" i bellowed, his scream filling my ears.

"For fuck sake, Riddle it's not like i wanted to keep it from you! i wanted to protect her!" he roared back at me, this only made me stick the dagger deeper into his leg twisting it. "And you don't think i can do that?" i whispered.

the once dazzling caramel eyes, that twinkled at anybody now darkened, with a sinister glint in them.

"No, because while you where playing dictator i kept my head low and acted like the fool that you thought me to be...while everyone else was kissing your feet i was balancing two worlds. one was keeping that girl safe and the other to play house with you!" he spat back

"I care about her and i will do everything in my power to keep her safe, even if that means away from you, i know your as twisted as they come Riddle...i've seen it with my own eyes, and right now while she's talking to her father, he's offering her a place within his order, not as his follower but as his equal and ill be beside her each step of the way." he threatened, all that could be heard in the room was the heavy breathing that exited out of my lungs, and the dagger that twisted inside of Avery's leg, ripping the flesh apart.

soon another sound filled the air, the sound of heels clicking against the floor and they where approaching fast, waving my hand the daggers disappeared and so did the wound on Avery's leg. busting open the double doors, stood the girl that i lost all those years ago, now it seems that history is repeating itself, i'm losing my love, my best friend but this time only to another, but will i be dammed to let it happen again. feeling a crease form between my brows a i looked at the honey coloured haired boy, seeing that twinkle in his eyes again when his gaze landed on Odette.

"Guess who's your new partner in crime Alexander!" she cheered, skipping over to the both of us, something caught my eye, shining in the candle light was a sliver necklace with a small triangle attached to it and a circle in the middle with a line going through the centre.

the Deathly Hallows.

so he has made her join his order.

"oh...i don't know Regulas black?" Avery mussed.

"Funny.." mumbled the girl.

"I thought so too!" Avery Hummed.

Just wait and see Avery, ill have her by my side in no time...and she wont need you or her father.

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