Dead men tell no tales

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The girl was lost in her thoughts not paying attention towards anything around her, her gaze fell upon the whomping willow, looking at the branches that shuddered in the December breeze.

It reminded the girl of a distance memory from her childhood, she remembered laying under a large oak tree in the summer evening, talking to a boy...but the more she thought about the boy she realised his face was blurred contrasting in small little white lines.

What was weird about the boy is that he wore Tattered clothes, his shirt was tinged a light yellow due to age, his cardigan that wouldn't even keep a hairless cat warm, was frayed and patched with odd colours of left over material...he certainly wasn't of working class.

What was your name?....why can't I remember.

"Miss've been staring outside for quite some time, didn't you hear the bell?" Came a rich voice beside her. Turning her head she near fell of her seat.

Sitting next to her was the boy who welcomed her into her new home, he was playing with the yellow ball of fluff, that decided to be a nuisance to her.

"Apologies Thomas, I got lost in thought." The girl sheepishly replied, packing her things away carefully.

Tom caught sight of colourful ribbon tied to her index finger.

Smiling softly to himself, he remembered that he was the one who made it for her, of course he used a spell that would keep the ribbon on her for eternity, after all he still wore his ring.

"No worries, Harlstone...Can I offer to walk you to your next class?" Tom Voiced, unconsciously rubbing the ring on his finger.

Odette beamed up at the boy, but shortly remember the pain in her arse. Looking down at the ball of fluff with a glare she didn't notice that Tom had fed him crumbs of bread.

"Not like his fat arse needs anymore food" Odette mumbled.

Hearing this Gabriel let out a squeak and tried to get up onto his feet. Both Odette and Tom took in the scene before them. The small ball struggled to lift his weight of off the table. 

"Lard arse"

Odette let out a yelp when Gabriel bit her, glaring daggers at the bird she turned to Tom.

"I apologise for my friend, he needs to be put inside the loony bin he escaped from"

Staring down the fluff ball an idea popped inside her head, glancing back at Tom with a small smile.

"Thomas could you do me a small favour?, could you possibly turn this twit back...I forgot the counter curse" Odette said looking down at the floor.

Raising her head to Look at the boy in-front of her, she was not expecting a small warm smile greeting her. His eyes slightly sparkled in the light but a hint of amusement could be seen in them.

As if a switch went off in the boy, his warmth melted away and was replaced by a look of stoic, his body went straighter and his eyes hardened

With a lazy flick of his wand, the brilliant blue robes that she has become fond of appeared in-front of her replacing yellow feathers, and soft golden brown hair that is usually tussled peeked out from under it.

"Lard Ass!! You have some nerve!" Came a deep voice.

"Hey Thomas, remember that offer of walking me to my next class? Yea well let's go now" taking the boys arm and dragging him out the classroom, sprinting down the hall and leaving a fuming Gabriel behind.

Breathing heavily, the poor girl felt like she was about to have a cardiac arrest. "Merlin...have mercy". Not realising that she was still holding on to the Toms arm she caught something colourful on his finger.

Odette took his hand gently, lifting it closer towards her face inspecting the material wrapped around his finger.

"Who gave this too you!?" Odette urged, not realising that she raised her voice.

"An old friend, now could you let go of me Harlstone"

His words fell of deaf ears, Odette didn't let go of his hand, resulting in him snatching it away from her.

"I'll see you around Harlstone, and I hope that this won't happen again" Giving her a cold stare Riddle made his way back down the hallway, his robe's billowing behind him.

"...are you him?..."

Toms pov

"Merlins Sake!"

One flick of his wand and the chair in-front of him smashed, splints dashing to every corner of the room. Not bothering to shield his face or body from the oncoming splints.

"My Lord may I voice my opinion..." came a voice from the back of Tom

"Go ahead Nott, I'm sure I'd be delighted to hear."

Turning his head slowly only his side profile could be seen by the boy.

Swallowing down a lump in his throat the boy continued "it has come to my attention that ever since Odette Harlston has attended Hogwarts your attention has been elsewhere, you have been hovering around the girl ever since"

Smirking ever so slightly " Tell me Nott, are you slightly jealous of the girl? That she out of all people has caught my attention?!"



Pointing his wand at the boy in-front of him, his face holding nothing but mere boredom. Nothing could be heard but the agonising screams that left the boys mouth, scratching at his throat as he tried to desperately escape. His eyes bulged from their sockets watering in the process, the tiny blood vessels that are hidden away from human eyes could now be seen as they too presented themselves, they we're dancing in a unorthodox manner with coral reds to Maroon.

Bending down to the boys level he lifted his wand to push aside fallen strands of hair that stuck to the boy's forehead, "let this be a reminder, You will or shall not question me...and if you do..." Tom's lips curled in the upmost malicious smile. "Dead Men Tell No Tales, Theodore"

With that he turned on his heel and left the boy behind, barely breathing his chest rising up and down slowly. Nott rolled on his side to see Toms retreating figure.

"Oh and Nott, if I find out you touched a hair on her head, you'll be more then struggling to breathe."

And with that said he slammed the door behind him, leaving a infuriated Theodore Nott behind, hardly breathing and on the verge of blacking out

" your back Tom, soon your day will come"

"And Odette Harlstone will pay for your mistakes"

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