The Light & Darkness.

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Rain poured from the inky opaque skies, bouncing of the glass pane that shielded the young boy who lay in the grey room, the mahogany floor boards creaking each time with age, nothing but thoughts clouded the boys mind, his eyes growing restless as he tried to fight the sleep that was invading him.

hearing footsteps move along the hallway, reaching over his fingers collided with the familiar yew wood.

hearing the footsteps come to a stop outside of his door, then it went silent. seeing the shadow underneath the door he could tell they didn't leave. knocking filled the once quiet air.

"Tom?" a wispy voice called out.

taking a breath, filling his lungs he climbed out of the gold detailed sheets, his feet hitting the dark Mahogany wood, sending chills up his spine. gliding towards the door, his fingers traced the handle hesitant to open it.

Putting on his most charming smile, he drew the door open and leaned onto the spruce doorway. "Odette...shouldn't you be with your family? or perhaps Avery...?"

"i noticed you weren't there at dinner so i thought i'll bring you some, and father and Mother have business things to attend to" Odette murmured, looking away from the penetrating orbs that belonged to the boy infront of her..

"What of Avery, i'm sure he's waiting" seeing the small girl shake her head, he decided he'd play the game he was always so good at. Manipulation

"Well if you have nothing to say then i'm sure you best be on your i've said before, little girls shouldn't be running around at night." and with that he closed the door, only for it to stop mid way.

'just like old times huh. I know you can't deny me Rosie, it was never in your nature.'

"Wait Tom, can...can i come in? I just don't want to be alone right now" she whispered, her head tilted downward. opening the door wider for the girl to come in, he watched her make her way to the chesterfield that sat at the opposite end of the room.

"I know you know whats happened, Thomas...i know you aren't daft." Odette sighed, fiddling with the small triangle pendent that hung proudly around her neck.

"well when you came skipping towards Alexander, crying 'guess who your new partner in crime is' i would never have guessed it was you Rosie..." sarcasm dripped from Toms words.

"Why would you agree to something that you know is wrong Rose! you have been suffocated by light since we where kids! whats changed that you want to be swallowed by the very thing thats corrupted your family" Tom spat, wanting to say a lot more than he wanted to. he was the one that was corrupted, he was the one that was tainted by evil.

"I have no other choice Tom, i never truly wanted to join my fathers cause. i never wanted any of this!" she gestured towards the silver necklace.

standing up the girl took carefully steps towards the raven haired boy, stopping infront of him.

"i'm scared Tom..." and that was all she said before small sobs engulfed her, she was never cut out for this kind of stuff, she would never harm anything if it didn't harm the one's she loved first. wrapping strong arms around her, he brought her in a warm embrace. sure Tom had things planed for the future and if she was going to be there then he would never involve her in any means necessary. he wanted her to keep the light to thrive of it like oxygen. he would never let the darkness feast of her.

she was never meant to be the beast he was becoming.

"You will be forever surrounded by light my love, i will fight the demons that try to pick and feast at your sanity, i will forever hold you if you feel scared, we can think back to the oak tree that sheltered us as kids and hope that one day we can lay beneath its branches once more, in one an-other arms holding each other till sundown...i'll be your knight just like you said" pressing a kiss to her forehead he closed his eyes and whispered.

"I'll be your Angel, but you must wings have been clipped and i cannot shine no more, my halo has been replaced by thorns and the glow that had surrounded me has been replaced by darkness...i can be your fallen Angel my Love, then hopefully with time My feathers will grow once more and shield you from the world, but for know i'll have to fight."

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