The Most Brightest Star

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November 5th 1944

Quietness, thats what filled the manor...

The west wing of the manor was shunned in darkness not a peep of Moonlight could pour through the curtains that hung on the towering windows, all was still on the Warm Autumn night.

Rasps echoed through the dimly lit bedroom as blue eyes gazed longingly at the crescent moon that dangled from the inky heavens, taking his eyes off the moon he caught sight of the small brunette that was hunched over his bed, her arms acting as a pillow and her eyes shut.

"Oh princesse...i wish i didn't have to do this to you" cracked the boy, his eyes watering his chest rattled as he took an intake of air. flicking his eyes back out the window he saw several constellations sparkling as if someone had tipped glitter all over black parchment.

"I'll be the most brightest star up there...That way you can never feel lonely at night, hm how's that sound?" He smiled to himself, continuing what he was saying "we can have our late night talks like we do know, oh and you can tell me all about your secret admires...and i'll sit there and listen to your mad stories" A tear trickled down his face, landing with a soft Splash against the duvet.

raking his fingers through his hair, he almost let out a sob when he saw the clump of hair that had fallen, "I wish i had more time with you Odie, i wanted too see you graduate Hogwarts, See what your first job would you with your kids and see you grow old.." Pain danced across his eyes as he looked at the young girl sleeping next to his bed.

placing a soft kiss to her hair, he dragged the blanket that was next to him and covered her shoulders. "Sleep tight Lumière"

hearing a small pop, he looked over to see a bundle of white hair "Hello Gellert" rasped the boy, giving the man a small smile, he saw the elderly man wince at the sound of his voice.

"hello son, How is everything?" taking tentative steps towards the bed that the boy laid upon, his heart shattered when he saw the young boy look up at him, his eyes hazed with salty tears. pulling the boy into a warm embrace he soothed him letting him sob into his shoulder.

running a hand through his hair his own eyes started to tear up when a cluster of hair clumped together in his hand. "I don't want to leave! i don't want to leave her!...I want to stay and Watch her grow up!" he bawled his eyes out, it hurt but he pushed aside the pain for what he felt mentally was much worse. he looked broken.

"I Know son, I know." Gellert was at a loss for words, he couldn't speak let alone think, the boy that grabbed onto him and cried his eyes out was like a son to him...losing him would feel like losing a child. clearing his throat, he summoned a tissue for the boy to wipe his nose. "Come now, You have to rest it's been a long day"

pulling the covers up over the boy, he let his gaze wonder over towards his daughter. both of them were like siblings...inseparable, he could only imagine the loss she would feel. Tearing his gaze away, he gave a small smile towards the blonde boy "Goodnight kiddo, I'll see you in the morning" walking towards the door he stopped at the entry and looked behind, only to see Gabriel's hand clutching at his daughters, his body facing her's and his eyes closed with the faintest smile upon his face. His heart clenched, leaving the room in a hurry he glided down the long corridors, coming to a halt at the staircase he heard rapid knocking at the double doors.

pulling aside the door, his gaze landed on a raven haired boy, his face bloodied and beaten his clothes torn and tattered "Tom? Tom Riddle?" murmured the Man, "Come quick, get inside"

not wasting a second The raven haired boy rushed in, his eyes scanning every nock and cranny.

"where's Rose?" he voiced, his tone deep and threatening. "She's with Gabriel, and i must ask you to leave if you are going to cause her stress"

"I only want to talk" he commented, rushing up the stairs and taking a left to the west wing. "Rose!"

Opening each and every door he passed, he finally came across the room where both teens lay. her head on the mattress and her hand intertwined with another. Suddenly he was jerked back and the door closed with a soft thud, apparating away Gellert flung him down on the living-room floor. "How dare you come into my home and demand her, she lays there in that room day and night to keep that boy company and if you haven't heard which i find very unlikely, he's either you were dropped as a child and forgot about that i recommend getting out of this house hold while you still can" he bellowed, his wand tightly clutched in his hand as fire burned behind his eyes.

"I need to talk to her please, it's important" Tom Begged, his eyes pleading.

Gellert looked at the young boy that lay on the ground below him, blood covered his once clear skin as well as bruises, his lip was busted open and his eye was swollen...pity is what overcame the Dark Lord once he saw the desperation in his bloodshot eyes.

"Very well, you may stay but do not interrupt the time they have together...we may never know when his last breath might be. you know where your room is Riddle."

and that was all the man said as he vanished and left the boy on the wooden floor, blood decorating the carpet as he lifted himself up.

Limping up and towards the grand staircase, he heaved a sigh, he truly meant no harm he just wanted to see her...he's been through hell the past few weeks and just wanted to hear her voice. coming to a stop near the east wing he felt his blood run cold.

"look who came crawling back, huh?" drawled a voice

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