What A Pleasant Surprise

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Scuffling feet could be heard wandering around the marble floors that lead to hundreds of hallways, the smell of medical soap and cleaning supplies tickled at the nostrils that came to visit their loved ones, quills could be heard scratching at yellowing parchment that sat at the foot of beds, but this was not the case for one. Locked away isolated from the rest of the Hospital was Odette with no visitors at her bedside...let alone the sun's rays.

Watching as people came and went through the oblong window in the door, her heart could only twinge as loved ones laughed and joked about nonsense. It reminded her of the Orphanage all over again, left alone in a blank room with curtains drawn so no light could greet her, watching as people went to their homes.

Sighing she slumped back watching as the slither of light that did creep in, dance shadows along the ceiling.  Nurses came and went and so did the time, it was no longer daylight and still no one showed.

As the moon raised higher in the heaves the more Odette felt alone, the vase next to her bedside was left empty not a single petal was offered to her and the chair was still left in the far corner still yet to be dragged near her bedside.

Closing her eyes, she pulled the covers up to her chin trying to soak in the warmth that it gave off but it was fruitless, the material was like parchment.

Hearing a click she snapped her eyes open to see the lock twist around, squinting she couldn't see anything out the small window it was far too dark.

Once the door swung open she could see the platinum hair that she grew fond over.

"Brax?" she crocked, her voice sounded haggard.

The boy whisked in followed by another with Charcoal hair, shutting the door behind them they casted a silencing charm.

"Oh Merlin i've been worried sick about you!. You have no idea how much sleep i've lost thinking if you were going to be alright" Cried the boy, rushing over and hugging her torso being careful not to touch her shoulder.

Braking apart he gazed around the room a frown settling on his aristocrat features...he noticed. He noticed the flowers that weren't blooming in the vase, he noticed the chair that was ignored in the corner of the room a layer of dust still settling on it, He noticed the curtains that never opened, He noticed No cards that sat near the bedside no 'Get well soon'  Knick-knacks that usually decorated the glum room, he also noticed her shivering form.

Walking over he felt the blanket that was meant to keep her warm "You must be shitting me...This shit is piss thin how on earth is That  meant to keep you warm!?" muttering to himself he summoned another one, one that was thicker and smelt like lemons and eucalyptus her favourite smell.

Snuggling into the blankets she could already fell her body warm up, away from the nipping air that Jack Frost gave.

"Those bastards haven't even been here" Malfoy muttered, Turning to the boy behind him he could see the sympathy in his eyes, "Abraxas she's being treated like a prisoner not like a patient..." Walking to the other side of the bed he too noticed the lack of flowers, smiling to himself he conjured snow white Carnations and pale yellow Gladiolus, lifting his wand he hovered over the flowers making small crystals fall on the silk like petals.

"Friendship and innocence" whispered the girl, as she gazed teary eyed at the beautiful bouquet the boy made.

"Do you like them?" asked the boy, placing them into the vase, the girl only nodded her voice cracking "I never received Flowers before"

Turning towards her, he slicked back a ebony curl and smiled at her "Well I'm glad to be the first... Odette"

"Alright sit your Charming arse down Otis" mocked Abraxas as he plopped two chairs near her bedside, dropping himself into the closest one near her.

"Well since prince charming here came up with flowers...when i was going to do it" he scowled at the boy "I know how shitty the food is here so" Dropping out of thin air were all sorts of confectionery's ranging from cauldron cakes to Fizzing whizzBezz and even some homemade Cookies with badger faces on them.

"That is what you call diabetes right there.." hummed Otis, a bemused smile stretched on his face "Oh and whats this did the Terrifying Malfoy bake?!" A scowl was forming on the young boy's face as he heard his friend yap on about his cooking skills.

"Dose your trap ever stop Lestrange! Sometimes i just want to glue that shit closed" he argued, his face red with embarrassment. A chuckle  left the girls mouth as she watched the two bicker back and forth.

"For what it's worth, I love them Brax"she laughed. This is what she needed, laughter and normality something thats becoming very rare lately.

"See! she Loves them. L.O.V.E incase your illiterate ass doesn't know what it means  you uncultured shit" boasted as he soaked in the complement that Odette gave

"I know what it means you dick! I bet they taste lovely though Odette i've had them before and i had the shits for a week." Grimaced the boy, Malfoy gapped at the back handed complement "That's a lie and you know it!"

The bickering started once more, smiling she bit into the biscuit and could taste the butter and sugar thats been put into it, she could tell time and effort went into them as well as love.

"Thank you...Both of you" smiling warmly she joked and laughed about memories and stories.

That night a special bond was made with the three of them, they grew closer with each laughter and silly argument. they stayed there keeping her company not wanting to leave her alone with the shadows, sleeping near the bed in a slumped position was Otis Lestrange and curled in a ball on top of the blanket was Abraxas Malfoy, Odette lay there underneath the covers a smile playing on her lips as her hooded eyes gazed at the two of them seeing Abraxas mouth opened and snoring was a sight to behold and next to her was Otis's sleep talking, rambling on about gnomes and goblins. 

"Goodnight boys, sweet dreams" she mumbled before her eyes closed on their own.

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