
36 3 4

The steam from the red and black locomotive filled the station, waiting for the students to say their goodbyes parting with their families until next time they see each other, telling adventurous and thrilling stories, stories that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Sobs and laughter filled the air, parents parted ways with their children, waving them goodbye and wishing them luck in the new year, Waving from the compartment windows and watching their loved ones fade away till Summer.

In one of the compartments sat a blonde boy and two brunettes, Gabriel Timéo Beaumont , Elliot Amos Diggory And Odette Élodie Grindelwald. The trio sat in the dark coloured compartment the green cushioned seats soft and feathery, tales where shared about their Winter, Odette filled Elliot in on what happened with Tom, the hufflepuff boy couldn't understand why he just up and left.

Elliot Never truly understood Riddle, he never liked the boy since first year he used to pick on the Hufflepuffs claiming that they were weak and useless, but what No one understands is that Hufflepuff is one of the strongest fighters, sure they come off shy and gentle but once you break them and take what they love away they break you leaving you with nothing.

Hearing the compartment door slide open all of them looked to see who it was, Bright platinum blonde hair appeared and so did the pale complexion that seemed like snow.

"Abraxas!" Chimed Odette, getting of her seat and engulfing the tall boy into a warm embrace, the two became close friends in November but kept it low because of the difference in the houses, it was frowned upon for Slytherin to socialise with anyone bar their own house.

Wrapping his arms around the girl he lifted her of the ground and give her a small spin, chuckling he greeted the girl back. "Hello Ody, have a nice Winter?" The boy was clueless on what his Lord was doing behind closed doors, so when Odette explained everything, to say he was shocked was an understatement.

"Noisette, Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked, his voice soothing as he hugged her, he now knew why Tom came back in a regretful manner when he asked he only got threatened.

"I didn't want to burden you, Étoile. You had enough on your plate with your father and all" she mumbled, her eyes downcast towards the wooden floors.

Hearing the door open once more, but this time a boy with jet black hair and eyes as green as the forest stood before them, "Malfoy, your wanted back..." And with that he was gone as quick as he came.

"Keep your head up Ody, don't worry about Riddle he'll soon see what he's missing. But for now enjoy your year" he finished with a kiss on her head as he swiftly walked away, catching up to his housemate.

"Do I smell a Romance?" Chirped a Voice from across the compartment, there sat the two boys with sly grins on there face and eyes burning with Glee.

"No you Dick, Can't a girl have a friend that's the other sex as them!?" And with that she smacked Gabriel up side his head and went to go search for the trolly lady.

Meanwhile with Riddle.

"Found him in the compartment with the new Hufflepuff girl and the Beaumont boy" came Rosier's voice, sitting down on one of the seats and glanced at his lord's reaction.

Tom didn't let much show, he only felt the nauseating pain that stabbed his heart over and over again, he couldn't love her no more she was getting in the way of his was fun while it lasted but all good things must come to an end.

"Is this True Malfoy? Why would you be mingling with other Houses, especially the badgers?" He voiced, venom dripping from his words.

Abraxas stood at the entrance of the compartment giving Tom an all knowing look, "the so called Badger is named Odette Harlstone, She's a lovely girl my Lord anyone can see that" he claimed, standing up for his little badger.

"I don't want you round her no more, understood" Tom Pointed, his eyes Burning with Regret and Rage. This only made the Malfoy heir irritated, "with all due respect My Lord, but the girl is harmless, she herself is scared of hurting a fly..." The Boy protested, his blonde eyebrows arching as he spoke.

"What I Said is Final Malfoy! Do you want to question further and see the outcome?" He snarled, pointing his yew wand at the boy threateningly, his magic coming of in strong waves.

"No Sir"


Pocketing his wand Tom moved the conversation on to his plans, they had found where Slytherins locket was and he was only hungry to get his hands on it, while the platinum blonde struggled to understand why his Lord was so embarrassed by the Hufflepuff girl.

While everyone chatted amongst themselves, Tom got lost in his train of thoughts, and it revolved around the little brunette. Malfoy was wrong, very wrong, Odette was capable of harming others.

He pictured the 5 year old girl with mud garnishing her ivory skin and loose skin for eyes and a hole drilled through her throat... she was not his flower not anymore, she is withering and on the edge of dying, no one wants to pick the flower that is blooming.

Tom had a Plan, search for the chamber of secrets then open it next year and purify the school of Mud-Bloods and Forget about the girl That invaded his life 11 years ago.

Watching the Scottish landscape pass by, he couldn't help but replay the memories they shared together...part of himself wanted to give up the search and care for the girl, make sure she doesn't turn into the thing that she's hated since childhood, love her unconditionally but how can he do that when he doesn't know what love is.

When he uttered those three words to the girl, to him they where words with nothing behind them, he felt guilt crawl up his spine every time they left his mouth.
He wanted to mean it, to love her as she loves him, but he's incapable.

Love is just a weakness to the heart, it makes you rethink your decisions...they are used against you, for blackmail or death, either way it always ends that same, you lose and they win.

Another memory came crashing through, it was a summers day at the Orphanage, the dirty Glazed widow was pushed ajar letting the breeze blow the netted curtains, letting them twirl in the dusty room, there on the bed beneath the covers lay a boy and girl,  snuggled up to one another there hands firmly grasped together as the sun beamed in through the window and filtered onto to the covers making it have a yellow glow from underneath. Both children laid there in bliss, smiling at one another as there hands where close to one another's chest, The girls ringlets fell perfectly around her and her hypnotic brown orbs shined with love and care for the boy. The raven haired boy lay there gazing at the girl in-front of him with admiration and affection, he truly cared deeply about her, they both laid there listening to the birds chirp and the wind rustle the leaves of the Trees. To them it was like heaven.

But all good things Must come to an end.


Hello lovelies! This will be the last update for a while, I'm just wondering if the story still makes sense, my mind is just frazzled.

Anywho thank you for the love and support! Love you all my darlings. Xx

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