Water and kisses

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Honey, cypress and oranges filled the grey room that the raven haired boy had to call his for the time being, feeling soft cotton beneath his fingertips he could revel in the feeling for eons, peeling open his eyes he was greeted by the soft colour of  a tawny jumper.

gliding his fingers over the soft material, it brought back memories he thought had left him years ago, feeling the sunlight filter though the curtain's and kissing his features he basked in the feeling, its warm rays tickling him, seeing small dust particles drift and dance around the air. 

"Morning My Darling" Hummed a sweet voice.

still playing with the tawny jumper, his eyes gazed up to see who the owner was of the soft material, feeling a smile play on his lips, he couldn't hide the twinkle that lit alight in his eyes as he gazed up at the Ivory witch. 

"Good morning Flower" he chimed, pulling the witch into the bed with him, hearing her laughter as he smothered her in kisses.

if anyone was to see Tom Riddle now they would think he's lost the plot. you wouldn't think he was on a pathway to darkness or even wanted to split his soul in several different parts. no you would think he's just a normal teenage boy in love.

holding the witch close to him as he breathed in filling his lungs with the sweet smell that was attached to the young girl. feeling her hands comb his raven locks, his eyes drew heavy once more, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep with her in his arms.

"Tom...come on, wake up darling. it's a special day today." she chirped still combing his hair. sighing he peeled one of his eyes open and gazed at her. deciding to ignore the little witch and pretended to not have heard what she had said he closed his eyes once more.

"Oh you little shit..fine let's play your game" wriggling out of his hold, she stood at the bottom of the bed and gave him a scowl.

"And here i thought you remember the days back at the Orphanage" without another word she pulled her wand out from her jumper pocket and did a swift motion, small droplets of water trickled down onto the Slytherins face, then gradually getting heavier.

"Rose i Swear to merlin if you-"

He couldn't finish his sentence due to the down pour off water that crashed down on him, leaving him soaking to the bone.


Tom was soaked, his hair was stuck to his forehead his white shirt was now translucent and heavy due to the water and his face had become a ghostly shade of white while his cheeks where a cherry red.

hearing the witch snicker, his eyes snapped to hers with a dark glint in them. flicking his hand, he sent one of the sopping wet pillows her way, making it collide with her face. smirking when he heard the loud smack.

ripping away the pillow she wordlessly casted a spell, making the sheets warp around Tom confiding him, conjuring a bucket of ice cold water she skipped her way to the side of his bed, smirking devilishly.

"You best un-conjure that bucket Odette. i mean it!" cried Tom, trashing in the bed sheets that held him down.

"What no Rosie?" cackled the brunette. Tom gave her a warning look, deciding to play nice she vanished the bucket and sent a wave of warm air towards the boy, untangling him from the bed sheets.

"i suppose it's no real way to wish you a happy Birthday is it My love" She voiced, while bending down to give him a kiss on his forehead. "i apologies My darling".

climbing into the bed with the raven haired boy she covered his face in kisses, each one signify the amount of birthdays he's had.

"13, 14 and 15!" she finished, Beaming down at him with pure and utter love. the boy was at a loss, he adored the girl too much to even stay mad at, he relished in the moment when he was her centre of attention. drinking in every ounce of her, he memorised each and every thing about her. the dimples that would appear if she smiled at him or even when her eyes would gleam or when her cheeks would flush when she saw him. she truly was a angel in disguise.

"I love you my darling Tom" she whispered softly, the sun dancing on her face, making her eyes seem like a hazel colour.

she was more than an angel, she was his Goddess, his star, his world.

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