.Our Chance.

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I stand beside Bucky on the helicarriers ready to fight the star spangled man with a plan once more. Last time we fought him in the middle of the road and it didnt exactly go to plan. 



The solider jumps on the car and rips out the some man from the backseat, he gets on top of the car and starts shooting, they slam on the breaks sending him forward. He then proceeds to do a dramatic landing on the road were he braces himself with his metal arm starring up at the car containing our mission. 

Yikes he has a flare for the dramatics, but man that was hotttttt. 

I am driving the car behind them, we speed ahead hitting the back of their car, pushing them towards the solider so we can carry out the plan. He jumps onto of the car, ripping out the steering wheel. I hear a faint 'shit!' come from the drivers side. 

Guess they weren't expecting that. 

Someone starts to shoot from inside the car up at the solider. He jumps back onto our car and we follow them ramming up the back side once more. They hit the barriers of the highway and the cars about to flip. The car rolls ahead of us and all three of them are on the door skidding across the highway. 

Not gonna lie that's a pretty fucking cool save. 

I quickly access each one. A man talk and dark flies first from the car door and rolls on the road. Another man again tall with blonde hair holding a giant metal frisbee, and a woman of medium height with red shoulder length hair. I stop the car, grab my gun from the passenger side and get out, the soldiers jumps off the front. One of the agents hands him his gun. He fires and hits the frisbee dude. He fucking flies off the bridge and the a bus. 

I don't know this guy well but, he seems to like his frisbee, don't think that was a good move.

The solider and I continue to walk forwards towards the red head and other dude. The agents behind us continue to fire missing them and just hitting cars. Fucking waste of bullets. Winter fires at the red head girl and she does at us. She jumps onto the other side of the road. Rolling over a car and ducking behind it as we continue to shoot at her. She 'falls' off the bridge. 

Clearly she landed alright and is currently under us. I walk to the other side of the road and peer down waiting for her to walk to this side. Something is wrong she is taking too long. 

Ha that rhymes. 

All of a sudden I hear a shot fired and the solider jumps in front of me. His glasses cop the shot. He sits down with his back against the barrier. 

"Crimson, Jesus be careful!"

"What the fuck was that you could have been hit?!"

"Yeah well rather me than you" He takes off his glasses. 

My god he sweet, and fucking hell those blue eyes!

We both get up and start firing down and she fires back. She runs away from the truck she was behind and we continue to shoot. Some agents come beside us and shoot too. Winter says something in Russian to the agents and then grabs me by the waist and jumps off the bridge. We land on a car and strut forward. 

I hear shooting behind me as the agents fire towards the bus that Frisbee man fell into. Winter fires at the police car coming towards us. We continue to search for the red head. We hear someone talking and looks to me, I nod and he grabs a bomb out of his back pocket kneels down and rolls it under the van towards the noise. 

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