.Sneaky Chats.

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We get in the back seat of the car throwing our belongings in the boot as Steve drives us to the compound. Bucky places his hand on my thigh almost like a reflex. I'm nervous for multiple reasons. 

1, I have to see Tony, who I haven't seen since I was kidnapped and who I am pretty certain doesn't even know I am Bucky's wife let alone that I am alive. 

2, I have to meet a bunch of people who I don't know and I have to live with them. I have also tried to kill at least two of them. 

3, Natasha. This one I am not too nervous about but it is still on my radar. I know Bucky is loyal and has no feelings for Natasha, barely remembers her actually. She had the winter solider I have James. 

I don't know if the others have been informed about us living with them, I assume they have. I don't know how they feel about it. I know nothing and I hate it. More than anything I wanna sit down and do some deep research on this. 

"tu iubire nervoasa?" "You nervous love?" Bucky asks speaking in Romanian as Steve is still in the car. 

"ușor, trebuie să-l văd pe Tony" "Slightly, I have to see Tony" 

"orice idee despre ce vei spune?" "Any idea on what you're gonna say?"

"nu, ești îngrijorat să o vezi pe Natasha?" "No, are you worried about seeing Natasha?" I ask wondering his thoughts on the subject. 

"un pic, nu-mi amintesc prea multe despre ea, atâta tot" "a bit, I don't remember much of her that's all"  

"Oi you two, I know English, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, French, and Italian. I don't know what you are speaking but I know it isn't any of those 7. So what are you two talking about?" Steve tells us off like we are children. 

"Well obviously we don't want you to know that's why we are talking in Romanian, punk" Bucky replies. 

"Also I know more languages then you and I am way younger" I say sticking my Tounge out. 

Yeah okay maybe we are children....

"Well don't have sneaky chats behind my back" He demands using the Captain America voice. 

"are mereu un băţ în fund" "Does he always have a stick up his ass?"  I ask and Bucky bursts out laughing. 

"What? What did she say? Was it something about me!!"


Sam's perspective. (bet you weren't expecting that one huh). 

"Hey Jarvis, can you announce an emergency meeting in 10 minutes" I ask while reading the text from Steve. 


Dear Sam, 

If you could please alert everyone at the compound that Bucky and Via will be staying with us for the foreseeable future it would be much appreciated. We are approximately 20 minutes away from the compound. I will see you soon. 

From Steve Rogers. 

Jesus, He definitely is an old man. He signs his texts with his name and writes in such a polite manner I feel the need to get him a thankyou card. I shoot him a thumbs up emoji back and round the group to discuss. 

I go into the conference room where everyone is gathered. Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, Vision and Rhodey. Clint is with his family but will be back later in the week and Thor is on Asgard dealing with yet another Loki situation.

"Alright guys, Steve has texted me Barnes and Mrs Barnes are on there way to the compound and will be living here for a while" I explain simply. 

"Here?!" Rhodey shouts. 

"I never approved this?" Tony says. 

"Mrs Barnes???" Says Nat and Wanda at the same time. 

"Oh yeah you guys didn't know. Crimson the other chick that was the Winter Soldiers partner yeah she's actually his wife. I don't know much about her. Her names Via Barnes and she seems pretty cool. She got him to snap out of the whole winter soldier mind thingy and seems pretty stable herself" I say. She did genuinely seem like a nice person.

Everyone grunts and accepts the fate of them moving in. I look around Tony looks annoyed that's not anything new but Nat looks hurt, distant even. She is starring out the window, thinking deep and hard about something. Maybe she doesn't trust people who came from HYDRA. 


Via's perspective. 

"You guys ready?" 

Are you ready kids. Ay ay captain. Sorry....

We both nod slightly grabbing out bags with minimal clothes out of the back of the car. We walk towards the enterance. I take a deep breath in and give myself a quick pep talk. 

"Hey Sam, how did you get the little yellow hand to appear?" Steve asks showing him his phone. 

Bucky walks in first. I follow behind him hiding my face as much as possible. Knowing sooner or later I am going to have to look up. 

"Va fi bine iubito" "It will be alright babe"  Bucky says and kisses the top of my head. We move to stand beside Steve. I still remain slightly behind Bucky and keep my head down. 

"Ok yeah got it know thanks Sam. Oh yeah everyone this is Bucky and Via" Steve says gesturing to us. 

I look around the room. I see Rhodey standing in the corner, he is the one who arrested us in Bucharest, Vision the red robot thing off to the side with Wanda, Pietro is handing close to them. Natasha sitting on the arm rest of the couch, Sam sitting on the couch. Bruce on a chair reading a book. I turn my head to the kitchen and there is Tony making himself a drink. He looks up at me and our eyes meet. 


Tony's perspective. (I fucked with you again haha). 

I make myself a drink in the kitchen as Steve comes in with Barnes and the other one. I didn't really pay much attention. I don't like the idea of HYDRA people staying with us but I didn't really get a say. I did get a sob story from Cap about loosing everyone but now having Bucky. 

"Oh yeah everyone this is Bucky and Via" I hear Cap say. After a minute or two I look up and see Steve standing there with a tall man who I recognise as his friend Bucky. I can't see that famous metal arm which I am intrigued by. 

I look to the woman beside Bucky. She is wearing black jeans with a dark blue henley. I look at her face. She has black hair and distinct green eyes. She looks exactly like..

No, It can't be.

I drop my glass and it shatters on the floor. Everyone turns to look at me. The woman's eyes are still locked on mine. It is her. It's my daughter my presumed to be dead daughter. Starring me straight in the face. 


Ok I re-wrote this like ten times, trying to think of the best way for Tony and Via to meet. One option was straight after Via got Bucky back out of the winter soldier trance but I didn't like it. So I settled for this. Little more dramatic isn't it. Hope you enjoyed. 

Changed. Bucky x OCWhere stories live. Discover now