.No Longer Exists.

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Bucky's perspective. 

Steve introduces us to the group. I take into account Natasha stare. Her eyes are locked onto me. I am trying to ignored her. I can remember a bit of her and the winter soldiers relationship but I know that she would remember everything. I am worried that maybe she is expecting me to have feelings for her. 

I hear a glass smash and I turn towards the sound. There I see Tony Stark the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and Via's father. He's starring directly at Via and her back at him. He knows who she is, he recognises her. 

"Olivia?" he asks his voice laced with uncertainty. 

"Hi Tony" She replies trying to keep a strong front. I see her picking at her fingernails a little so I grab onto her hand. She looks over to me quickly and I give her a reassuring nod. 

"You- no you're dead" he says. 

"Obviously I'm not" they both go back to having a starring competition. 

"I feel like I'm missing something here" Sam says. 

"There is no record of this woman in any of the files I have access to" says Vision. 

"Well, that clears things up" Sam says in a sarcastic voice. 

"Is anyone gonna tell us who this random woman is?" Natasha asks. 

"I'm Via Barnes, but my maiden name is Stark" She says. I always love hearing her say her name. With my last name there. I don't know why I like it so much reminds me that she's mine. 

"Your name is Olivia" Tony says. 

"No, I go by Via" 


"I'm not Olivia anymore. Olivia was your daughter when I was kidnapped by HYDRA she died. Metaphorically speaking. I know my old life, and I know I don't feel like that girl anymore" 

"After she found out her name she told me it didn't seem like her. This was before she had all of her memories but she knew it wasn't her. I gave her the name Via" I explain. 

"So you're the reasons my daughter is 'dead" Tony says using quotation marks. 

"He's the reason I'm alive" Via scoffs. 

"But he is the reason my daughter no longer exists. You don't even have my name anymore"

Via stands there in silence. He's partially right. But he doesn't understand how HYDRA breaks a person. They killed a part of me too. I am definitely not the same Bucky as I was in the 40s. That is also because of the war and also because of Via, she's made me better. 

"Right why don't we show you to your room?" Steve asks. 


Via's perspective. 

I feel like a massive bitch. I don't even know what I said that was wrong but the amount of hurt displayed on his face is making me regret ever setting foot in here. 

"Right why don't we show you to your room?" Wanda jumps up out of the chair. 

"I'll do it" She says with a giddy smile. "Follow me" she says ushering us down the hall. She seems nice so far, very eager to meet us which I can't decide if I like or find a bit overwhelming. 

"So here is your room, it's a bit plain at the moment but you can decorate it. Oooh we can go shopping and get some stuff to decorate" She says. 

"Mă duc să ne iau bagajele din mașină" "I'm gonna go get our bags from the car" Bucky whispers to me and leaves. I don't think he feels quite comfortable speaking to other people yet. I also think he didn't want to come off as rude to Wanda and just leave without saying anything. 

Changed. Bucky x OCWhere stories live. Discover now