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As I have previously mentioned I was never one to show my emotions. I also hate confrontation I more enjoy botteling up my feelings, avoiding problems and crying in the shower. Bucky is the only person who I tell everything to and confide in. Sure i've shared some aspects of my emotions in AA but they don't know any of the HYDRA stuff. I just told them I had a shit up bringing. 

We've been here 3 days now. I have been avoiding Tony as he is my current problem. Steve and I have gotten on well and so have him and Buck. Sam is funny, him and Bucky have been hanging out a little. Wanda likes to make small talk so I am warming up to her a little but the rest I have said all but few words to. 

Acassionaly I notice Natasha staring at me or Buck. Tony though I haven't seen at all since I first got here. I haven't come out of my room all that much and regardless when he walks into a room and I am there he turns around too. So we are both hiding from one another. 

Bucky and I are in our room currently with the door shut. I haven't decorated anything just unpacked out stuff which is all clothes. We're watching a movie but I am kinda half watching.  Bucky picked some boring movie from the 40s to watch. I'm snuggled up to Bucky his arm draped around me as I rest my head on his chest. I hear a knock at the door. 

"Come in" I shout. Can't be fucked getting up. The door opens to reveal Tony standing there sheepishly. 

"Hi" he says in an unsteady voice. 

"Hi" I reply sitting up from Bucky a little more. 

"I'll leave you to... yeah. mult noroc" "good luck" Bucky says winking at me and leaving.

"I was wondering if we could talk?" Tony asks. 

"Uh yeah sure" I reply sitting with my legs crossed on the bed. Tony awkwardly walks over and sits on the very edge of the bed. 

"So you're alive"

"Or you're schizophrenic" I joke. 

"You definetly are my daughter" He chuckles. "How?" 

"How am I your daughter? Well when a man and a woman love eachother very much they give eachother a special hug and then-" I start explaining dodging his question. 

"No, how are you alive" He asks being serious now. 

"I was sixteen when I was walking home from school. I got kidnapped as simple as that by HYDRA of course, those fucking pricks. They wiped my memories until I knew nothing. Made me work for them. I already could fight a little as you gave me extensive self defense classes. They trained me up more. Didn't enhance me or anything. They called me crimson cause I mainly used knives and drew a lot of blood also my suit was red. I was partnered up with the Winter Soldier and yeah that's pretty much it" I explain. 

"I thought you were dead, they planted a fake body and everything. We had a funeral and you have a grave" 

"Wow that's weird to think about. But I am kind of dead" I say. 

"How so?" 

"Like I said, your daughter Olivia is dead. I am not that same girl. It's why I never came and found you. Because I didn't want to disapoint you and cause I was running from HYDRA and government officals" 

"I'm not disapointed in you. This isn't the life I wanted for you at all but I'm not diapointed"

"I am happy though, after I got out of HYDRA and got settled with Buck in Bucharest I felt unbelievbly happy" 

"How did you escape HYDRA?" he enquires. 

"There was a new nurse who didn't want to be there. Told me my name and some tips on how to escape. So I told Bucky and we ran together" 

Changed. Bucky x OCWhere stories live. Discover now