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Bucky's perspective.

I can hear a lot of noise going on in the kitchen. I turn to Via's side of the bed and notice she isn't there. She hasn't been sleeping well lately, she probably just got up early. I do remember her coming to bed cause she practically fell on top of me getting our side's mixed up.

I try and focus on going back to sleep since it's 6 in the morning. I am an early bird but I also had a late night cause Via insisted on partying which just means us drinking and listening to music. Via is not an early bird, usually she cannot function before 10 am unless she has had coffee. Lately though she is barley sleeping going to bed after me and getting up before me.

I feel like I am loosing her almost. It feels like she is loosing herself too.

"Ow fuck, hehe shh shh" I hear Via's voice come through the kitchen into our room. Who the fuck is she shushing.

I then hear glass smashing on the floor. I spring out of bed and throw on my jeans as I run to the kitchen. Via is on the ground hands and knees picking up shattered bits of a empty wine bottle.

"Doll, what are you doing?"

"I- well I needed the the wine it's up in the up in the high cabinet so I jumped on the bench-y thing countertop that's the word. I hit my head which really hurt and then when I went to grab the bottle it fell and made the big noise that hurt too. It was empty as well?" She is slurring her words.

She's drunk. it's 6 in the morning and she's drunk. I look around and see a couple empty vodka bottles some from last night, and some are new.

"Babe you put the wine bottle back there last night, I don't know why but you did. Why are you getting wine at 6 in the morning anyways?" I ask trying to be gentle with her.

"I-I cause I wanted some"

"Via you shouldn't be drinking at 6 in the morning"

"Whatever I am gonna take a nap" She walks over the bits of glass cutting her feet but she barely even flinches, walking to our room she flops on the bed. I try to talk to her but she has already passed out. She is unresponsive to everything. In any other scenario I'd have thought she was dead.

I take her pants off leaving her in my oversized shirt. I get behind her and braid her hair so that it isn't messy when she wakes up. Fix up the cuts on her feet too make sure they don't get infected. Tuck her into bed with a bottle of water and aspirin on her bedside. Then go and clean up the mess she made in the kitchen, throwing out the numerous empty bottles.

What the hell is going on with my wife?


A month later.

I get home bringing in all of the groceries. I fumble with my keys and get into the house. Via is there sitting on the couch reading a book and drinking wine from the bottle.

I put the shopping in the kitchen. Getting a quick look at the time. It's 2 in the afternoon and she's drinking. I also saw her put some whiskey in her coffee this morning too.

"Via, can you please just stop drinking its fucking 2 in the afternoon" I plead with her.

It's been like this for a month and I am getting seriously worried. She's drinking a ridiculous amount. At first I just thought she was enjoying trying alcohol but now I think she has a problem.

"Why?" she asks not even looking up from her book.

"Because it's fucking 2 in the morning. I can't even a remember a time in the last month where you haven't been drinking" I am trying not to yell at her knowing that will get me nowhere but she is making it difficult.

"I'm just having fun relax"

"Babe you need to stop this is becoming a problem"

"I don't have a problem, I just wanna have a drink it's fine!" She slams her book closed shouting at me. She stands up coming towards the kitchen and grabbing a glass filling it with whiskey.

"Nope that's it" I open the window grab the glass that is inches away from her mouth and throw it out the window.

"Hey- what are yo-"

"No Via that's enough, you're not drinking anymore"

"What you can't tell me what to do"

"I am not telling you what to do, I am telling you what not to do"

"It's the same thing, If I want to drink I am going to drink" She goes to grab the bottle but I throw that out the window. I start searching every cabinet and her bedroom drawers taking every last bottle I see and getting rid of it, ignoring her pleads and cries.

"Via, love I'm sorry but this is becoming a problem I can't sit here and watch you punish yourself like this"

"Punish myself? I am not punishing myself. I need it okay? I need it, it takes the pain away just please" she has tears streaming down her face.

Oh my god, she still blames herself for the miscarriage.

I knew she was struggling I am too. I could see that she wasn't herself. I thought she was just distracting herself having a good time. I have never seen her grieve I don't know her coping mechanism. But no she wasn't using it as a distracting. She was using it to numb the pain. She is loosing herself and is drinking herself into a depressive state"

"Babe, what happened isn't your fault okay? The doctors even sai-"

"The doctors don't know shit about us Bucky. I failed at being a mother before I even was one. I lost our child. I deserve to be punished." She cuts me off. She gives out a breathy laugh " I deserve to go back to HYDRA and be tortured".

"No don't you dare say that Via. You don't deserve that not ever. Look I know this hurts okay. I am going through it too. I know it hurts 10 times more for you though but this is not the way to cope"

"I just want a drink Bucky please" She cries.

"No, I'm sorry but Via you have a problem. You have to stop this"

"Why?" She shouts.

"Because your killing yourself! I watch you drink yourself to death. God, I feel like I am loosing you to a fucking liquid"

"I want a drink!"


"I want a drink, I want a drink, I want a drink, I want a drink" She starts chanting this over and over again whilst pounding on my chest.

Her punches get sloppier and sloppier, I grab onto her wrists with one hand and put the other around her pulling her into my chest. She cries into me as I kiss the top of her head.

"It's okay, Shh it's okay" I soothe her.

"I have a problem Bucky..." She whispers.


Very difficult to confront and alcoholic about their problem. I will be showing Via's recovery process. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. So I hope this is accurate. If anyone needs to talk I am here.

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