.I Am Deciding.

419 14 3

Bucky's perspective. 

Via decided to take a nap feeling tired again. 

Now that we know she is pregnant everything is just making more sense, why she has been more tired recently, throwing up occasionally, a bit more snappy than usual. I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to be hard on her, the last one was but only for a small amount of time before she miscarried I don't even want to think about that happening this time. 

Already though she is doing the same thing, not complaining at all or blaming me which is crazy cause usually she blames me for the smallest of things. She's fucking amazing I swear I don't know how she does this. 

I am unbelievably happy, I never wanted to ask Via if we could start trying, fearing that it may upset her, cause her to hyper focus on that or even relapse. 

But now she is pregnant again and further along, the baby has the super soldier serum which I am not thrilled about but at least they will be stronger. 

I don't know what I am hoping for more a boy or a girl. 

Having a son would be awesome. Someone who hopefully will look up to me and we can play catch and I can teach him how to charm the ladies. All of that stuff. Downside is boys tend to be messy and lets face it a little dickish at time which would piss me off. I would teach him to be a gentlemen though, if he broke a girls heart I would kill him. 

Having a daughter is a dream though. I would love a little girl who I can have tea parties with I would go all out too wear a little tiara, stick my little finger out as I drink the tea, but I have to worry about her and boys then. I would probably, no I would definitely kill anyone who hurt my baby doll. 

I am happy that we are surrounded by a lot of people, on one hand it will make it easier to raise the baby not to mention safer as there is literally a compound full of highly trained individuals. I also have Steve now, back in the forties I did see the life of marriage and kids, Steve and I talked about it once or twice and now he does get to be an uncle to my children. I didn't want the whole picture perfect life after HYDRA but when I met Via I knew I wanted to marry her and for her to be the mother of my children. 

I really want to tell Steve that Via is pregnant again, it's exciting news and he is my best friend. I pull the covers up over Via and kiss her forehead before making my way to Steve's room. 

I reach his door and knock. 

"Hey pal" Steve says. 

"Hey, can I come in?" I ask. 

"Yeah sure. What's up? Is Via feeling better?" He asks. 

"Yeah she's taking a nap at the moment?" 

"Do you know what it is that made her sick?"

"She's pregnant" I smile. 

"Really?" I nod. "That's great man I'm happy for you" Steve hugs me. 

"I know I'm excited and shit scared"

"Language, gosh you never used to swear this much in the forties!" Steve exclaims. 

"Sorry, Via is a bad influence" 

"How far along is she?" He asks. 

"Technically 13 weeks, but because of the super soldier serum the baby is further ahead in growth" 

"How much further?" 

"The baby's size is the equivalent to a 15 week" I say. 

"Holy hell" He says. "Can Via's body handle that?" Steve asks. 

"I actually don't know she is going to go to Bruce about that" I shake my head brushing it off. 

"Well I was just thinking I mean getting the super soldier serum is no easy process, could have easily killed us. No women has ever given birth to a super soldier baby that I'm aware of" He thinks. 

"I don't know!" I exclaim suddenly feeling nervous about the whole thing. 

"I mean you said her last pregnancy was difficult up until her miscarriage. And obviously this one is difficult as she is displaying harsh symptoms" 

"Steve" I try and get him to stop. 

"Oh god, think about when the baby starts kicking. It will hurt a lot, our strength is increased in a very dramatic way. A baby wouldn't know how to control it. That could seriously do some damage to Via" He says. 

"Dude!" I'm freaking out at this point can he just shut up. 

"I just think that maybe this might be too much for her body. It's going to be a bigger baby of course that's the obvious and Via is rather small. There could be more blood loss. It's the equivalent of a child giving birth" 

"Steve stop!" I yell, he goes quiet and stares at me. "I haven't thought of any of this can you just shut up for one moment" 

"I didn't mean to freak you out Buck I just started thinking of this stuff. Don't you think it is stuff that needs to be addressed?" 

"Yes of course it is. But I don't even want to think about that sort of stuff happening to Via. I can't imagine a world where I have a baby and she's not by my side" I say tears in my eyes. I hate thinking about Via getting hurt. 

"Bucky it's probably just all in my head like you said she going to talk to Bruce. We can create a list of this stuff to talk to Via and Bruc-" 

"No!" I interrupt him. 


"We can't say any of this stuff to Via" I say. 

"What do you mean" He asks. 

"All of the concerns and what if's about the baby and the pregnancy. None of this is being said to Via" 

"Bucky she needs to know this stuff. Obviously the two of you haven't thought about it she needs to start thinking of it and figure stuff out" 

"No, I am not telling her any of this" I sigh. "Look she is already stressed enough and that is the last thing we need, the doctor said to keep her stress levels down. Telling her all of this will make her freak out" I say. 

"You don't know tha-" 

"I do" I interrupt "Look at me know, I'm freaking out and it isn't even my body and I'm not carrying the baby. Via will flip, she will go into panic mode and start thinking the worse. It's not good for her to be stressing at the moment that increases the risk of a miscarriage. We are not voicing any of these concerns to her. I'll talk to Bruce about them myself" I decide. 

"No, Buck what you need to do is-" I cut him off again. 

"No Steve, I am doing what I need to do. I get you are the captain in most everything making all of the decisions but this is my life and my family. I am deciding how this goes. I will talk to Bruce if there is something to tell Via I will do it myself" I snap. 

I leave the room and slam the door behind me. I can't loose this baby. Not only will it hurt me but it will most certainly kill Via. 



Okay when I started writing this I didn't think I was going to turn that scene between Buck and Steve into a fight, I was picturing a wholesome bonding moment. Things change apparently. Anyway hope you enjoyed. 

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