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1 year later. 

I feel two arms wrap around my waist, in any other situation I'd be scared though one feels colder then the other. Bucky. Has woken up and latched onto me. I roll over to face him.

"Good morning Iubirea mea" "My love" 


"You feeling better today?"

I went to bed earlier last night because I felt ridiculously tired. 

"Mmm I think" 

"Hopefully you haven't caught that cold that Sam had last week, he was bitching and moaning for ages!" 

"Bucky it is way to early in the day for you to be complaining about Sam" I snap. 

"Alright alright. How about we get you some coffee and breakfast?" 

"Mmmm yum okay!" I say. 

I jump out of bed and find some clothes to wear. Settling on Bucky's boxers because my underwear is dirty plus they are way more comfortable and some grey sweatpants that may or may not be Bucky's and a black tank top. 

"Bucky?" He hums in response "Can you braid my hair?" I ask. 

"Sure" Bucky does my hair in two Dutch braids, my hair has gotten so much longer when it is braided my hair reaches my waist. 

Bucky has a new metal arm, Tony made him one out of vibranium that is much better than the shitty one HYDRA gave him, this one is black and gold as well which is so much cooler. 

Bucky gets changed into his own clothes and we go downstairs to get some food. 

"Hey" everyone says. We wave back. 

Wanda is in the kitchen cooking breakfast as she volunteered. Bucky and I sit down at the bench, I am sitting next to Steve. Everyone else is sitting on the couch watching tv or sitting at the table eating the breakfast Wanda made. 

"Hi, coffee?" Wanda asks. 

"Yes please" I beg. She goes and grabs the coffee pot and a mug placing it in front of me before filling it up. I grab the cup bringing it up to my lips.

Immediately I get a wave of nausea come over me. I put the cup down quickly. 

"Excuse me" I run off to the main floor bathroom that everyone shares. Throwing the door open I fall to my knees and throw up in the toilet. I hear Bucky run in after me holding my hair back as I continue to throw up. 

Once I stop I cough for a minute before turning off my knees and sitting with my back against the wall of the bathroom. 

"Are you okay?" Bucky asks. 

"I don't know the last time I was this sick I-" I stop my sentence not wanting to say it out loud. Bucky seems oblivious to what I am saying. 

"Do you think it is what Sam had?" he asks. 

"No, It's not that" I say. 

"What do you think it is?" 

"Bucky, it was the coffee that made me want to throw up" I whisper. 

"Oh" He says. Remembering that's what set me off last time. "Do you want me to go get a-" 

"No I have some in our bathroom" I say shaking my head. "Just tell everyone I'm not feeling well" 

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asks. 

"No I- I'll come and get you afterwards" I say getting up and leaving the bathroom. 

I quickly make my way to the elevator ignoring everyone around me.

I'm scared, out of my mind. I know that I want kids with Bucky but that doesn't change the fact that I'm scared. If it is negative I've worked myself up for nothing and it will hurt again. If it is positive I get what I want again but it could be taken away from me again. 

I go into our room and into the bathroom opening up the cabinet I find the box of pregnancy tests that I have for emergency's. I have never taken one before I just saw them at the pharmacy and felt compelled to buy them months ago. 

I open the box read the instructions and take the test. It takes 5 minutes to work. I put the lid down on the toilet and sit there while the test is on the counter. I almost feel like I should get as far away from it as possible. 

I'm scared, I keep saying that but it's true. I don't know what to do if it is positive. 

Will Bucky and I have to move out? Tony has a no pets rule I am sure that extends to children. Oh Tony he will kill Bucky I'd be having his grandchild. Wanda would obsess over me at every turn. What if I miss carry again will Bucky hate me, I already lost his child once. 

Will it break me again? Will I be able to survive loosing another baby. I don't want to go through withdrawal again I don't want to loose my sobriety but even at this moment I am scared and upset and it makes me want to drink. 

I'd be a horrible mother now, I failed a baby and then punished myself and others because of it. What would I do if I messed up as a mother. 

Would the baby be a super soldier. Would HYDRA look for us more and try and take our baby. Will the avengers want the baby to grow up and be a super hero. 

This is all if I am pregnant and if the baby sticks. 

If it is negative I have gotten my hopes and anxiety up for no reason, not to mention Bucky. What if it is negative but then it makes Bucky want to try for a baby. What if it says negative but I am pregnant and I jump on a trampoline or something. 

Okay now this has gone a bit far. 

I hear my phone go off and realise it has been 5 minutes. I stand up, I feel like everything is going in slow motion, that I am watching my body move from the outside not really aware of anything going on. 

I walk over to the counter looking up not at the test. I pick it up. I close up eyes and quickly pray to god. I may not be religious but it's worth a shot. 

"Hey god, we haven't spoken in well ever. I don't even know what I wanna pray for but just let whatever it is positive or negative let it be what I need right now" I pray. 

I open my eyes and look down at the test. I exhale, feeling tears prick my eyes. 

I hear the door open to the bathroom and I turn to look at Bucky. He looks nervous and excited. 

"So?" He asks. 

I turn around to face him. I hand him the test and he looks down at it. 

"I'm pregnant"


Okay I know not everyone loves pregnancy stories but I do so deal. Anyway thought this was cute, gotta love Via's little anxiety over thinking dialogue. Hope you enjoyed. 

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