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Bucky's perspective. 

Don't get me wrong I love the fact that Via had made a friend but dear lord help me. Wanda just kicked me out of my own room and demanded I go else where while she gets ready with my wife. 

I look like a fucking hobo standing outside of a room my dignity is gone and I am holding my clothes. 

I reluctantly go to Steve's room. It's not like I didn't want to hang out with him. I just didn't want to be ordered to hang out with him by Wanda. Not gonna lie though that chick is kinda scary, like she's all bubbly and nice but I've seen footage of her using her powers, I don't exactly want to be on the receiving end. 

I knock at Steve's door. We've hung out a bit since I've been here. He is pretty much the only person I have spoken to. He opens the door and takes in my appearance. 

"Did Via kick you out?" He asks. 

"No Wanda did, to be far though Via didn't even try and stop her" I say. He steps to the side letting me into his room. He's room is pretty plain as well. He does have a photo of the howling commandos hung up and a photo of him and I. He also has a record player which is currently playing 40s music. 

"I like the music. Reminds me of the good old days" I say.

"Thanks, Sam has been trying to get me to try out some newer stuff" He says. 

"Yeah, Via listens to Metallica" 

"What the hell is that?" He asks. 

"I don't know it's a lot of screaming and it's just really loud" 

"Right okay then" We sit down and awkwardly listen to the music is silence. "Okay I gotta ask, Why didn't you try and find me Buck?" Steve asks. 


"When you pulled me out of the river, why didn't you stay? Or once you got most of your memories back why didn't you contact me?" 

"Because it wasn't safe" I state clearly. 

"But you know I wouldn't have gone to the government. I would have kept you safe" He reasons. 

"I was safe, in Bucharest where nobody knew who I was. I know you wouldn't have gone to the government now but I didn't get all of my memories back until a year later" I say. 

"Then why didn't you find me then!" He exclaims. 

"Because I was happy!" I yell. "For the first time in 80 years I didn't have a fight to go to at that moment. I wasn't being told what to do. I proposed to Via and we got married and I had a glimpse of a normal life. Sure it wasn't without struggle it wasn't perfect but I was happy" I say. 

"Did you miss me at all?" Steve asks hurt. 

"Of course I did, your my pal my best friend. Of course I missed you. But I had to prioritise Via and our safety" Steve nods understanding where I am coming from. 

"I wish I had of been there for your wedding" He says. 

"We got married at a court house" I say. 

"Didn't do a beach thing. Nothing romantic?" 

"No, I mean we aren't a really big romantic couple but it was perfect. The officiant was slightly annoyed which Via found hilarious and within the hour we where bickering" I say laughing. 

"How did you propose?" Steve asks. 

"Via was painting the bedroom because she felt like it and was deciding between two paint colours. We had been in Bucharest for a year then. I remember thinking here is a beautiful woman in front of me who has been through so much. Anything could happen to us right now we are literally on the run from dozens of people and her biggest concern is what shade of white looks better" I say. 

"There are shades of white?" Steve asks. 

"Apparently. I don't know she went with a blue coloured white paint in the end after I had proposed to her" 

"That's sweet. Did you do anything special to celebrate" I can tell Steve just wants to know more about how my life had been so I don't mind the questions. 

"We had sex, then painted the wall" 

"Really? Didn't take her out to a romantic dinner" He says I shake my head. "Jerk" He mumbles. 

"Watch it punk" I say

"What did you call me?" He asks. 

"Uh... Punk?" I repeat. 

"You used to call me that in the 40s" 

"I remember" I mumble sheepishly.

"I am happy you got a slightly normal life Bucky. You deserve it. So does Via" Steve says. I can tell he genuinely means it. I feel bad for not letting him in more. 

"I was going to be a dad" I say suddenly. 

"What?" Steve breaths out. 

"About two months after we got married we found out that Via was pregnant. But she had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. We were both really excited, Via realised she actually really wanted kids. Even though her pregnancy was shit she was happy" I say. 

"I'm sorry Buck" He says. "Are you guys trying now or?"

"We decided to just wait and see what happens, how life plays out. I don't think Via could handle loosing another baby though. It almost broke her" 

"What do you mean?" Steve asks. 

"Via had never drunk alcohol before. She was a minor when she was taken from HYDRA then afterwards had no interest. About a week after her miscarriage I was drinking some bourbon and she asked for some. Then she started drinking more and more. After two months of her being constantly drunk I confronted her and threw all the alcohol out, and realised she was using it to numb the pain and grief she was feeling" 

"Wow, so that's why she doesn't drink"

"Yeah, she's been sober for 10 months and used to go to AA meetings in Bucharest" 

"You would have made a great dad Buck" Steve says. 

"Thanks Punk" I smile. 



Ok so I showed some Wanda and Via dynamic decided last minute to do some Bucky and Steve. I want to reiterate this is not a Stucky story. They are just close friends and Steve is a little needy. I know it was a little forced the way Wanda and Steve have found out about Via's miscarriage and addiction but I wanted it to be a sweet confession moment with them. Hope you enjoyed. 

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