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We get to the hospital and I slowly get out of the car. Bucky comes round and supports me as my cramps have gotten worse.

I am so fucking stupid I thought it was normal cramps. I should have felt that something was off. 

We walk in to the E.R and a nurse comes to talk to us. 

"Hi, is everything okay?" She asks in a slightly chipper voice. Not gonna lie I wanna punch her even though she is just doing her job. 

"I-I, my wife is 12 weeks pregnant and is b-bleeding" Bucky speaks for me. 

"Oh dear ok, lets get you on this bed honey" I nod and follow her to the bed. 

"Alright do you have any cramping?" She asks, once again I nod. I can't even bring myself to speak right now. 

"Miss I'm sorry but I really need you to answer these questions" She asks becoming more sensitive. I feel like I'm being pitied. 

"Y-yes I have c-cramping" I say in a small voice. 

"Alright what was your name sweetie?" She asks grabbing a clipboard. 

"Olivia Barnes" I say. 

"Ok Mrs Barnes, when did you notice the bleeding?" 

"Around 4 am" 

"And the cramping?"

"I felt it when I woke up"

"Alright I'll get your husband to fill out the other information and get a doctor to check you, just sit tight" She hands the clipboard to Buck. 

"I should have known" I say. 

"Babe, It's not your fault, cramping is normal in pregnancy, it's your uterus expanding. I've been telling you to not overthink so you put it down to that. If anything it's my fault"

"No- no god no it isn't. la dracu" (fuck) I start crying a little more. Bucky puts his arm around me and pulls me in for a hug. 


A few moment later the doctor comes in. 

"Hi I am Dr. Johnson, what can I help you with?" she asks. 

"I- I am 12 weeks pregnant and bleeding" I say. It hurts more to say it aloud. 

"Ok, the nurse said you have some cramping too correct?" 


"Ok do you mind if I do an ultrasound, Mrs Barnes?" she asks. 

"No that's fine" She puts the curtain up around us and gets the ultrasound ready. 

"This may be cold, I'm sorry" She puts the gel on my stomach and I don't even wince. I am too focused on the screen. God I wanna see that dot again, much bigger than a dot now.. if there is anything. 

She starts moving the wand around my stomach. I can't see anything coming up on the screen nor can I hear anything. I look at her face, her eyebrows are knitted together and she is bitting her lip. Concentrated and distressed. 

"Mrs Barnes, I am so sorry but it appears that you have had a miscarriage" I start crying again and turn to Bucky burying my head in his chest. He strokes the back of my head and hushes me trying to get me to calm down a bit. 

"I'll give you two a moment" She says and walks away. 

I stay like that for a while crying into Bucky's chest while he tries to sooth me. My other hand is clutching my small bump. Where my baby used to be. 

"I'm so sorry Bucky" I say as I pull back and look at him. His eyes are read and his lip is trembling he's crying too I didn't even realise. 

"Shh, it's okay doll, It's okay it's not your fault" 


The doctor came back in, told me I might keep bleeding for a couple days. She told me there is nothing wrong with me or my uterus just the fact that 'sometimes these things happen'. She also said it doesn't appear to be stress due to my blood work. 

We went home still not saying much to each other. 

I went straight to bed and Bucky came in beside me, wrapping and arm around my waist and snuggling in more. He kissed my forehead and we fell asleep. Comforting each other. 


I know this was short I couldn't really think of more things to write and it was making me a bit sad. Once again hope I got all the facts correct. Hope you enjoyed and hope everyone is doing good. Also if you hate me I am sorry. 

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