.Ew Feelings.

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I am and was never one to discuss my feelings. 

Even before HYDRA whilst I living with Tony I hated talking about feelings, opening up all of that complete and utter bullshit. I know I have some form of anxiety or I am at the very least just an anxious person but I don't feel the need to talk about it. 

I am still struggling with remember the finer details of my old life but one specifically comes to me. 

Flashback. Via is 13. 

I sit in the school therapists office, neither of us daring to speak first. Just having some sort of staring competition which I know I'll win. Sooner or later this bitch has to talk it's literally her job me however I don't have to do shit. 

"So Olivia, why don't you tell me how your feeling?" She asks. There it is ladies and gentleman her finally speaking more like forcing herself to ask how I am. We all know she couldn't care less.

"How would you like my answer? Thumbs up or down? Scale of one to ten? Maybe pick a certain emoji depicting my feelings?" I say choosing to be a sarcastic bitch, let's face it, it's more fun. 

"Alright not wanting to talk I see. How about you just tell me what was going through your mind when you had to do the test?" She is so trying to keep her cool but I can see her fucking boiling inside with anger. 

"Well obviously I wasn't all too keen on it considering I had a panic attack" Fucking stupid bitch. 

"Olivia this isn't going to work if you don't try" 

"I don't want to try, nobody asked me if I wanted to do this you all just had a meeting and decided" I snap at her. 

"Listen honey I know there is a lot of pressure on you with your dad being Ton-" 

"Don't act like you know shit about me or my family situation. I don't want to talk. You seem like a chatty person so how about you take the stage and I'll just nod along occasionally" 

End of flashback. 

In retrospect that wasn't the best decision I made considering I had a weeks detention. 

Though right now I am in a similar situation. Bucky had driven me to the Bucharest community centre where they have an AA meeting going on. 

We talked last night and he brought up the fact that it isn't exactly easy for him to help me considering he has never had an addiction and can't even get drunk himself. He suggested I go to a meeting and talk about this. He also said he would do that thing I like in bed if I went. So here I am sitting in the car while Bucky drops me off like a child. 

"Okay so it's an hour long meeting so I'll pick you up at 2" 

"An hour?! What could we possibly talk about for an hour" 

"Your addiction, the other people's addictions, coping mechanisms, trigger factors. Babe I know you don't exactly love the idea of this and I promise you if this meeting completely sucks you do not have to go to a second one. But I just want you to try it"

"Alright alright, fine I'll do it. What the fuck are you going to do for the hour that I am in there?" 

"Ahhh go and get some plums?" He sheepishly confesses. 

"Hey go back to the website see if they have a plums addicts anonymous" I joke. 

"Fuck off" 

"Ok, I should probably go in there and listen to people bitch and moan about shit. Ew feelings." 

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