.Rounding Up.

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"Hey guys" I greet as I come downstairs. 

Bucky woke up before me but when we tried to wake me I bit him on the hand demanding more sleep, I'm awake now though. 

Everyone says hello or some variation back. 

"Lady Via you are looking lovely today" Thor says. 

"Thanks Thor" I have no idea what he means, I'm wearing a dark blue hoodie, black leggings and combat boots, I also left my hair down with natural curls today. 

I go over to the kitchen and sit down next to Bucky, Steve is cooking some pancakes. 

"Hey babe" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. He grunts and moves away from me. "What?" I ask. 

"Oh don't act clueless" He says. 

"Buck, come on. What?" 

"You want to be all nice and sweet now! Huh?" He raises his voice a little. 

"Seriously, is this cause I bit you?" I ask. 

"You what?" Everyone says and turns around. 

"Like in a kinky way or?" Sam asks. 

"No, I woke up this morning, rolled over and kissed Via. Asked her if she was going to get up and she bit me!" He exclaims. 

"You put your hand in my face!" I defend myself. 

"To stroke your hair, what the fuck are you an animal!!!" He yells. 

"Hey I was perfectly happy sleeping. Don't wake me up unless you have food. Rule number 1 when we got married" 

"Oh so this is my fault?" He asks in disbelief. 

"Guys, come on this was a little issue it's nothing to have a massive fight about" Clint tries to reason being the sensible one with a wife and 3 kids. 

"Oh no they are not going to have a massive fight about this, they will have a little spat, an argument that is just entertaining to everyone and then one of them will bow out, make a joke. Show physical affection to the other one. All is forgiven" Wanda explains not looking up from her stack of pancakes. 

"Yeah she rights"  "That's pretty much it" Bucky and Via say at the same time

"Can't we just skip to that part then?" Clint asks. 

"Eh I'm tired this morning what do you say Buck?" I ask. 


"Also I liked it when you bit me last night" I wink and Bucky chuckles. 

"Really? While we are eating? You have to do this?" Tony says with zero expression on his face. 

"Oh I'm sorry would everyone like to put down their food and I can explain how Bucky fucked me last night?" I ask, Steve chokes on his coffee and Wanda and Sam just giggle while Bucky looks way too proud of himself. 

"I really should have rung the door bell" Peter says as he just walked in. 

"Shit sorry Peter"

"It's fine Mrs Barnes" He says.

"I've told you, call me Via" 

"You can call me Mr Barnes though" Bucky death glares the child. 


"Hey Via you wanna come train?" Nat asks. 

Over the past couple of months Nat and I have gotten closer, she's not half bad actually. I still consider Wanda my best friend and I think Nat would agree we aren't besties but we do have nice conversations and good sparing matches. I beat her most of the time. 

Changed. Bucky x OCWhere stories live. Discover now