.Court House.

883 19 3

The next day Bucky and I go down to the court house. I try to think if the old me would have wanted a big fancy wedding.

I have done some research and know the my father is Tony Stark, he's like this big important dude with a shit ton of money, he's also Iron man and a part of the Avengers. I told Bucky about this and he recognised three of the Avengers.

When we first escaped and arrive in Bucharest he told me that my last name sounded familiar. 


"You said your last name was Stark right?" Bucky asks. 

"Yeah why?" 

"I don't know it sounds familiar. I feel like I knew someone with that surname" He replies. 

"Ok well the internet says my fathers names Tony, and his mother my grandmother's name is Maria, guess that's where my middle name comes from and my grandfather was Howard if that helps?" I relay the information I have found to him.

"Howard and Maria?" 

"Yeah?" I am confused on why he is focused on those names. He's gone all pale like he's seen a ghost. 

"I killed them.... as the winter solider, On a highway I killed them" He says looking down. 

"No you didn't kill them like you said the winter solider did. Buck we have both done some shit things when we were with HYDRA but we didn't do them, we gotta remember that or we aren't gonna be able to move past it"

"Ok yeah you're right. Your not mad at me?" He asks. 

"No, I didn't know them. Doesn't really make a difference to me. Still fuck HYDRA" 

"Yeah fuck HYDRA" He chuckles. 

End of flashback. 

He also recognised Steve, that's the blondie dude with the frisbee, they where best friends growing up. He told me what he could remember of the forties and of the army. 

The last of the avengers that he recognised was a woman named Natasha Romanoff. Apparently there's this place called the red room who train young girls into becoming asssains and he trained her. They had a relationship not sexual but it was one of compassion. I am not worried about that though because his exact word use was... 

"The winter solider trained her, fell in love with her. And now that I am me again I feel nothing towards her. I feel bad that I possible ruined her life making her more dangerous by training her but I am not in love with her"

He as the solider loved her. But he himself loves me. 


We arrive at the courthouse and are almost immediately seen to. We go into this cute little room with some gorgeous windows. We didn't want anything special but this place is still nice. Bucky is wearing a nice shirt and pants not jeans for once. I still wanted to wear a white dress just nothing too fancy, its a cute little crocheted sun dress.  I also wear my leather jacket and my combat boots so it looks a little more casual. 

We stand in the front centre of the room and we are just starring and each other. We both have big dumb smiles on our faces. 

"Right, did you guys want this done quick or a big long speech?" The minister is kind of over this probably done a million to day. Most brides would find it annoying I find it hilarious. Neither Bucky nor I are big hopeless romantics, we aren't into the big romantic gestures. I just wanna be his wife. 

"Quickly please" We both say like it was rehearsed.

"Okay do you guys have any tokens you wanna exchange, rings or something?" He asks. 

Oh shit we didn't get rings or anything I mean we have been engaged for a total of 18 hours. 

"Yeah we do" Bucky replies. 

"We do?" I ask. He pulls a little box out of his pocket, with two beautiful wedding bands both matching. When did he have time to get these?

"Alrighty then, Ok so do you-" He look at Bucky's faked birth certificate, we got his real one by breaking into a HYDRA safe months back along with other important possessions that we need, medical files, passports e.c.t. We got a fake one made for Bucky that looks similar just so people don't ask about his age. Mine doesn't need to be faked and nobody asks about my last name they just think it's a coincidence because nothing was ever recorded about Tony Stark having a daughter. 

"James Buchanan Barnes take this woman to be your wife in sickness and in health till death do you part?" He finishes.

"I do" He says smiling at me, I slide his ring onto his finger. 

"And do you Olivia Maria Stark take this man to be your husband in sickness and in health till death do you part?" He asks turning to me. 

"Fuck yeah I do" I reply with no hesitation, Bucky chuckles at my boldness and slips the ring on my finger.

"Ok your married, sign here, you may now kiss the bride" He says with a sigh. 

We both sign the marriage certificate. Bucky wraps his arms around my waist lifting me off the ground slightly as we kiss. 

I am now Olivia Maria Barnes. 

"I'm your wife" I say with that stupid smile still on my face. 

"I'm your husband" I giggle and kiss him again. We grab the certificate and leave beginning to walk back to the apartment. 

"So when did you have time to get these rings? I'm not complaining far from it just when?" I ask. 

"Last night when I went to pick up dinner I stopped at the jewellery store" 

"You mean to tell me on your way to picking up the pizza's you just causally thought 'hmm let me go buy our wedding rings'?" I giggle at my own impression of his voice. 

"Yes, yes I did" He says proudly. 

"Well maybe I should start making you dinner so then you don't go making impulsive purchases" 

"No, no your not cooking. Your not allowed in the kitchen" His entire demeanour had changed, he's very serious about this. 

"Oh come on, name one time that I fucked up in the kitchen"  

"Lets see, the time you made a cake and it literally exploded, the time you cut your finger then when you put the knife down to look at it you cut your other finger. The three times you grabbed something out of the oven without using a oven mitt. Ooh and my favourite has to be the time you tried to make me breakfast in bed and you where hiding under the sink because the bacon was spitting oil at you" He can barley say the rest of the bacon story as he is killing himself laughing at the memory. 

"Alright I said name one, and also that bacon was doing it on purpose" 

"Babe bacon doesn't have a conscience how could it be doing it on purpose?" 

"I don't fucking know. I just know it was" I say with a serious tone.

"Ha look at us married a total of 11 minutes and already bickering like an old married couple"

"Your the old one here. I'm 23 your like 100" I say. 

"Take that back I'm not old" 

"Yes you are" We make it to our apartment door and I start to unlock it. 

"Take it back" He says again.


"Take. it. back." He says more sternly this time. A cheeky grin spreads across my face. 

"Make me" I turn and run to the bedroom. 


Ok I love this chapter probably my favourite so far. I wanted to include pictures of Via's dress and the rings but it just isn't working so you can imagine that one. I love how cute this is and the little convo at the end between them. Enjoy. 

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