.I Can Sleep Now.

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3 months later.

I am 36 weeks pregnant and I look like a fucking whale. I have to be extremely careful because the baby is the size of a 38 week one so I could definitely give birth now. Change that I am giving birth right now.

"Buck!" I yell out.

"Yeah what's up?" He asks coming to the bathroom door.

"I just had a contraction, it was not Braxton hicks" I say.

"Okay, we are breathing" He reminds himself. "I'll go and get you hospital bag. You get changed and we will go to the hospital. I'll call dr. DeLuca" He explains we walks off but I can still hear him. "We are breathing" He repeats.


We get to the hospital and it's just Bucky and I, we said for everyone to come and meet us after she is born.

The contractions are painful. And apparently I am only 2 cm dilated.

I don't want an epidural or any pain meds. I want to do this myself. I want to do it naturally too but if I had to have a C-section for some reason I would.

"God this really fucking hurts" I breath in and out.

"I know I know I'm sorry love" Bucky says rubbing my back.

"It will be worth it" I say.

"Yeah it will be" He agrees smiling at me. He leans in and kisses me passionately.

"Buck" I say.


"I know her name" I smile.

"You picked one out?" He asks smiling.

"Yes, and I know you'll love it"

"Doll you can name her whatever you want I don't care you are the only doing all of this"

"Your damn right I can name her" I laugh and smile at him. "I want to wait to tell you"

"I'm the father!" He exclaims.

"Babe, please. I know you will like the name. It was on your list of names too" I say.

"Yeah but my list had 143 names on it" He laughs.

"Once she is born I'll tell you" I promise.

"Okay fine I can live with that, but you have to tell me the middle name" He reasons.

"Okay, Rebecca. After your sister" I say.

"I love it"

"See I'm great at picking out names. You'll love her first name"


5 hours later.

"Your 6 cm dilated Via" Dr DeLuca says.

"Oh god" I whine. "Can she just hurry up" I laugh.

"Your doing amazing love" Bucky kisses my hand.

"Okay your heart rate is a little slow, but not concerning so we will just keep an eye on that" She mentions.

"Alright thankyou doc" Bucky says.


1 hour later.

"I want to move" I announce.

"What?" Bucky looks up from his book.

"I don't want to raise her at the compound. Let's find a house that's close to the compound but just for us" I smile.

Changed. Bucky x OCWhere stories live. Discover now