😁'Off' roading😠

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'You said what!'

Off was beside himself when I told him about the incidents of the other night. He was listening carefully, making tsk noises, giving comments here and there.

But when I confessed that I gave "Mew the Mafia" his name as mine, he was furious.

'You fucking moron!' I have to cover my ears.

'You said your name is Off! Asshole!' He was this close to losing it.

'Hey calm down, it's not like we will meet again. It's not a big deal.'

'If it's really NOT a big deal then why not give yours huh?' Off said sarcastically.

'I figured out that he is a good person way later, if I had known that earlier I would've given mine for sure.'

'That means you gave away my name when you believed he was a bad person! God Tay! and you call yourself my best friend! Wow! Just wow!'

'Ok ok but that time my brain wasn't working and no name came into my head other than Off.' I tried to explain.

'Stop talking, you are making it worse.' He said sulking.

'Off...' I said in a serious tone. 'I have something important to discuss with you.'

'What is more important than my life? Huh? What if that Mafia decided to seek out Off to take revenge? What will I do then Huh?'

'Mew is not that type of a person.' I said defensively.

'Ohhhh now you are taking sides with that mafia!' Off said indignantly.

'He helped me Off, he is a good guy.'

'He is a fucking mafia!' Off shouted at me.

'Yes that he is.' I said feeling depressed.

I don't know why but I can't get rid of the images from my head. His smile, his face, his eyes...... I can't stop thinking about him.






'Huh? Oh yeah yeah? You were saying??'

Off didn't say anything but looked at me with concerns.

'Don't tell me peng.....'

'Off.... What do I do?' I said in a low voice.


'I can't stop thinking about him.'

'Listen to me Tay..' Off was trying to put some sense in me, 'It's nothing, you are just overwhelmed by yesterday's incident that's why you are feeling this way, give yourself sometime, everything will go back to normal.'

I doubt that


'Enough about your near death experience, now let's focus on mine'. Off said to change the gloomy atmosphere.

'Firstly Mine was not a near death experience and secondly What's your problem?' I also tried to change my mood.

'Gun is not answering my calls for two days.' Off pouted.

'Don't make that face it's disgusting!'

'You are the one who is disgusting. Gun always says that this is my cutest face.' Off pouted more, giving me goosebumps and not in a good way.

'Ahhh stop it'.

'Tay help me na'. He nagged.

'Fine I will call Gun and talk to him.'

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