🔽lost game🔽

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'You! You are bluffing! New is never going back, he resigned already.' Dew tried to reason with.

'Hmm, he resigned from my company but what's he gonna do if your mother's health suddenly deteriorate? Because he is a good son he will run back to her.'

Stop! Stop already!

'But mom is completely fine!'

'He doesn't know that na! Once he is in the States, I will take it from there. Your mom's dying wish will be New to get married with Brenda.'



'You know Brenda right? She is the daughter of my business partner Aston Williams, nice girl, very pretty. She likes New already.'

I can't bear anymore, my heart is aching. My vision blurred.

'New is... New... He is not...' Dew struggle with the words.

'I know he is not into women. He can do whatever he wants after marriage I don't care but knowing his character he will not gonna involve in extra marital affair, I assure you.'

Hin! No! You can't do this to him!

'Don't do that. He always has been a good son to you. Don't ruin his happiness.'

'Then hand me over those documents.'

'Fine! I will give you everything you need just don't hurt him.' Dew surrendered.

'Then stop wasting my time and hand them over. My patience is running out.'

'I don't have it with me. I gave them to a friend for safe keeping.'

'Oh then call Earth and tell him to hand it over.'

'Give me one day. I will deliver those to you by tomorrow.' Dew's voice was derived of emotion.

'Meet me tomorrow at my hotel. You already know which one right?' He snickered.



After a moment I heard Dew's voice, 'Tay!'

'I am here' I gulped.

'What do I do now!'

'I am coming.'

After 30 mnts drive I arrived at his condo with a racing heart. Memories flooded when I stand in front of the apartment.


I always came here with him.

Today I am alone.

I press the bell. The door flung open within a second. Dew looks horrified.

'Dew! What happened?' I started to panic.

'Earth is nowhere to be found.'


'I gave him all those documents to make a single file, he said he will meet me today, but he is not answering any calls or messages. Something is not right.' Dew is agitated.

'But you said you will give them tomorrow to your dad!'

I can't even imagine what will happen if he failed to do so.

'I...I.. Something is very wrong. Earth is not that kind of a person who would vanish just like that. Someone did something.'

I have a sinking feeling that his dad is involved.

'We have to buy some time, if dad is involved then he has some ulterior motive. We have to find that first. But if he is not the one behind this then we are doomed. Earth has so many enemies back in Korea!'

'Give me his number, I will also try.' I take Earth's phone number from him and dialed. No answer.

'Keep trying.' Dew was calling someone else.

'Trace the number I've sent you. Give me it's location.' He ended the call.

'It's switched off.' I tried 4 times with same results.

Dew was pacing back and forth in the drawing room.

'I'm gonna call Hin.'

'Don't let him know about any of this.' Dew warned.

'I won't.'

After second try when I was just starting to panic he answered.

'Hin!' My voice was high pitched, Dew looked at me with alarm.

'Oii! Stop shouting. Do you want me to go deaf!' New said with a soft laugh.

'What took you so long!' I complained.

'I am in a meeting, the final hand over process is in progress. Can I call you back?' He whispered.

'Um.. Sure... Yeah... Talk to you later.' I hesitated.

'Is everything all right?' He sounds concerned.

'Yeah.. Of course..'

'Ok then... Bye.' He ended the call.

'Controll your emotions, you almost gave away.' Dew said irritated.

'He is fine.' I sighed feeling relieved.

'Dad was bluffing, he knows pretty well how New will react if he forced him to marry someone.'

'I just want him back by my side. I will not be able to find peace untill he returned.'

'It's ok, he is coming tomorrow. Just wait a bit longer.' Dew patted my shoulder.

Dew's phone rang.

'Hello! Earth! Where are you! Malaysia?? What ! Why?' Dew threw questions after questions.

'Oh... Ok... No I understand, yeah I will meet you there, tomorrow.'

'What's the matter?' I was curious.

'Wait let me make a call.' He dialed again.

'Dad, I will give you those documents tomorrow evening. Don't do anything in the mean time or the deal will be off.'


'Yes. I will personally bring those to you.'



He ended the call.

'Just fucking tell me what's going on.' I almost shouted.

'I have to go Malaysia tomorrow. Earth is in trouble with authorities there. Some problems with his NGO. I will bring back those documents because that idiot take them with him for safe keeping.' He rolled his eyes.

'He is in Malaysia??'

'Yeah, he thought he can finish the matter in one day so didn't inform me.'

'Good lord! He gave me a fright.'

'Yeah, he did.' Dew looked exhausted.

'Is the matter gonna end here if you gave those to your father?' I voiced my doubts.

'I don't know anymore.'

'What did he show you? When I was listening via phone?'

'He showed the video of one of my spy, badly injured.'


'Is he seriously harmed?'


I was speechless.

'Don't worry, I will not drag the issue, nothing will happen to New. I think he already shifted his target from you to me.' He laughed bitterly.

'You don't know that.'

'Oh please. Don't think I am complaining. It's really good if that the case. I am ready to fight back.' His face was rigid.

'We will think of something else. I promise.' We have to or else this vicious cycle won't end.

'Yeah, sure.' He doesn't look so enthusiastic.

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