😗😙second,third, fourth kiss and so on😘😚

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'mmmm.....it's 1am already! ....We should stop.'

'Hmmm.... mmm... Totally ....should stop.'

But no one stopping.

I was mesmerized by New's lips.

After his little encouragement I took the matter in my own hand.

Ooo it's already sounds erotic.... But it was not....

Ok....We just kissed.

Soft lips melted together in such a way that feels like heaven. No one hurrying, no one prodding, only sweet kiss laced with adoration and purity.

After our short and super sweet first kiss, I caressed his face and said in a dark voice,

'If we stay here things will get out of my hand and we both have meetings tomorrow morning.'

New was panting heavily. After hearing my words his face became tomato red. He lightly shoved me and got up.

'I... Am going to sleep on the couch.... You go back to sleep.' With that he took a pillow and hurriedly exited the room.

'New!' I was startled by his sudden departure.

'What do you think you are doing?' I followed him to the living room and saw that he is sitting on the couch ready to lie down.

'Tay.... Just.... Let me sleep here ok?' He said without looking.

'No you go to bed I will sleep here. Come on get up.' I tried to pull him by arm.

'Ok ok I am going....' Without much resistance he stood up and headed for the room.

'New...' I grabbed his arm again.


'Can I kiss you one more time?'

He turned towards me with a shy smile.

'Umm o... Ok.'

I placed my hand on his neck and pull his face towards mine. His soft full pink lips were way more inviting up close.

I kissed his lower lips ever so lightly. His lips feels so good. I started nibbling on it. New grabbed my shirt tightly. I started to press my lips a little harder, but he keeps his lips shut.

I want to taste his mouth so I bite his lower lip and he gasped. I took the opportunity to enter in his mouth and started to ravage it. After a moment he responds.

I snaked my arms on his waist and slightly pulled him so we can sit comfortably on the couch without breaking the kiss. He cannot keep his balance and fell onto my lap missing the couch.

'Oh!' He said feeling embarrassed.

'Why do you stop kissing me?' I whined.

'Let me sit down on the sofa first.' He wiggled.

'No sit where you are.' I didn't let him go.

' Tay I am heavy.' He was looking at everywhere but me.

'You aren't heavy. Stay right here and kiss me.' I tried to find his lips.

'We just did.' He lower his head and chuckled.

' I am not done with the kiss. you have to let me kiss more.' I said poking his nose with my finger.

'You are insatiable.' He finally looked at me.

'Why are you so shy suddenly? You were brave enough to speak of your heart. You weren't shy then.' I brushed off hair from his forehead.

'I don't know.' He said with a sigh.

'I don't get embarrassed easily but....' He tightened his grip on my shirt.

'Don't be shy. It's me Tay or should I say Tea?' I smirked.

He laughed.

'So be that brave boy.... My New... My Hin..Ok?'


And this time he initiated the kiss.

It has led to the above conversation.

It's 1 am already and we are kissing for I don't know how many hours.

'Ok... Let's stop, my lips feel numb.' New said gasping for air.

'Ok... Right... Take a short break... Then we can continue.' I was also panting.

This statement earned me a slap on my head.


'I am going to bed, you can sleep here or there it's your choice. But no more kissing.' He was rubbing his lips softly.

'But... Ok one more and we will go to sleep.' I said hastily before he can get up.


I pecked on his lips and said


'You... you are impossible. No kiss for one week.' He got up and stomped out of the room.

'Wait for me.' I shouted because I can't stand up immediately, my legs fell asleep.

No kissing for one week? Huh! We'll see about that!

Can someone be this much happy? This much content! I love New it's a obvious fact but he loves me back! It's a miracle. He was way reserve when playing the role of Dew. But the New I am now getting to know is far more cute, mischievous and lively. I fell in love more and more.

I entered the bedroom only to find that New was fast asleep. He was lying on his belly, blanket covering half of his body, hair disheveled looking all cute and at the same time sexy.

Hmmm I choose couch to sleep on Right now that's the better option.

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