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'So this is your room!'

New was giving me a tour of his house. It was beautiful, especially it's design. Big windows, use of glasses, color choice, space utilization everything is commendable.

Right now we are in his room. It is simple yet elegant. Almost everything is either white or pale blue giving away a dreamlike aura.

'Dew designed this condo. He teared down almost everything from earlier and rebuilt it using eco friendly material. He even done the interior himself.'

'Wow! I thought he has no interest in this field. Really he did a great job.' I was amazed at how talented he is.

'He likes to rebel.' New said with a deep sigh.'Just because dad wants him to be an architect he started to hate this field, but in reality I know this is the right field for him.'

'Hey don't worry, he will definitely give it a try if we can make him understand. He is not that unreasonable right.' I sensed his sadness.

'Sometimes I thought it's my fault you know. He always had to compete with me. My parents always compare us like rivals. It's a miracle that he doesn't hate me. There were times when I thought of running away from the house, cutting ties with my parents, getting disappear from Dew's life. So that he can have a easy and normal life like everybody else.' He was staring blankly out of the window.

The room is dark because earlier he was showing me the light and dark effect Dew created. So the only source is the moonbeam coming down from the window. His milky white complexion now looks ghostly, his face has no expression, eyes blank.

It's like his body is here but his soul has left. He is not the New I know.

I can't take it anymore. I've always seen him as cheerful, composed and calm. Yes I've also seen him upset but not sad. I want my New back.

I closed the distance between us with two long strides and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.

'Hey!' He was startled by my sudden closeness.

'Hin! Please don't scare me by saying all this. What would become of me if you disappear? Do you seriously think Dew would be ok with that? Don't even think about this. You are way precious to us.' I said softly.

He has to change his way of thinking in this matter. I will never ever want to see this New again. I will not let that happen.

He didn't say anything but leaned back on my chest. His hands resting on my hands.

'Thanks.' He mumbled eyes closed. I silently kissed his head.

'I will never let you go away from me. I will lock you up if I have to!' I said in a threatening manner.

'Ooo you will locked me up in a room?' New was getting back to his normal self.

'Yes and feed you only ice cream.' I chuckled.

'Please kidnap me Tay.... Pretty please!!' He turned his head towards me eyes smiling.

I dipped my head and softly brused his lips with mine. He placed one hand on my cheek and pull my head slightly closer.

Just when the kiss was getting deeper my stomach makes a rumbling sound.

'Hey you are hungry! Didn't you have your dinner Tay?' New break the kiss and turned completely towards me.

'Dinner can wait let's not stop the kissing.' But again my stomach betrayed me.

New gave me a quick peck on the cheek and started to drag me towards the kitchen.

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