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'Hin!' I sobbed uncontrollably.

'Hmm. I am here. I am here.' His low and soft voice in my ears was my only solace.

'You are really here right? It's not like my brain is playing some trick on me, Right?' I couldn't believe my eyes that he is here.

'I am sorry I made you worried so much.' His voice was soothing.

'You should be! You made me miserable.' I tightened my hug.


'Oh sorry sorry! Let me see.'

The room was dark because of those thick curtains. I can't see his face clearly.

'Stay here. Ok?' I released him but hold his shirt.

'What are you doing?' He was amused.

'I am not going to let go of you. You will disappear again.'

But the curtains were a bit far from the couch. My hand didn't reach.


'No... I will not let go.' No one can make me.

'Ok... How about you hold my hand?'

'But you are injured.'

'This hand is ok. Take it.' He laced our fingers together.

'Hmn ok.'

This time I successfully grabbed those curtains and slided them. The room flooded with natural light.

The moment I turned my head my eyes meet with two bright eyes. They were as lovely as ever.

'Hi boyfriend.' His smile was tired but dazzling but at that same moment my brain registered him completely.

Oh my god!

His face is swollen. A deep cut which I saw earlier was still fresh. Those plump lips are now cracked. Many blue and purple bruises showing that he took quite a few punches.

His clothes are ripped in some places. They are dirty and those stains are definitely from blood. His left hand limped on the side. I don't see anything else but can imagine he has other injuries.

He followed my eyes and tried to sit properly.

'Hey stop staring, you are making me shy!' He is embarrassed.

I stay quite.

'Ummm... Let me get changed first. I was sleepy when came here so didn't bother to wash first.'

No. You are lying. You must be exhausted to even carry out those tasks.

He put down his legs gingerly onto the floor and tried hard to get up but his face is contorted with pain.

'Why are you here?' I asked him.

'Huh?' He seems surprised.

'Why are you here?' I repeated.

'Oh! Actually I thought about going to my condo but..'

'Shut up! I am asking you why are you here instead of going to a hospital?'

'Oh! You scared me there! I thought you were angry that I came here.'

'Scared? Huh? Funny! You weren't scared at all when readily planned to become Dew after get kidnapped. You weren't scared when ready to get beat up just to teach your father a lesson!
Not even then when you were rummaging in your father's room! But you're scared of me being angry?? Hilarious!' I bitterly said those to him without taking a break.

He listened to my all accusations with head hanging low.

'Tay..I am..' Just when he was going to say something I stopped him.

'Don't even dare to say sorry to me New! I am warning you!' My suppressed anger started boiling up.

He didn't say anything.

'From now on you are going to do exactly as I say, got it?' I firmly said.

'Yes.' He nodded in agreement with too much enthusiasm.

'Now let me take you to the bathroom and clean you up.'

'No need I can do that myself.' He protested at once but after seeing my face he retreated.

'Or you can take me there. No issue.' He peeked through the lashes.

'Hold tight.' With a swift move I lifted him up in my arms carefully.

'Oh!' He placed his hand around my neck but didn't protest.


After entering the bedroom I carefully placed him on the bed. He sat down obediently without a word.

'Wait a bit.'

He can't take shower in this condition so I draw a bath for him. After satisfied with every arrangement I went to get him.

He was sitting quietly.

'Come.' I am not liking his silence but this is not the time to show him that I am not angry anymore. He has to understand my worries.

I helped him to get up.

'Can you stand for a bit? I am going to take off these clothes.' I know he is very weak.

'Tay...please let me do this alone. I am uncomfortable.' He said clutching his shirt tightly.


'You are uncomfortable!' I don't understand. He is feeling uncomfortable to get undressed in front of me!

'Just this time!' His voice is quivering.

'You are asking me to leave?' I felt like someone punched me.

His silence is killing me!

He doesn't want me near him!

'Can you manage alone?' I don't show him my true feelings.

'Yes, don't worry.' He replied with a small smile.

'Ok.' I left the room without a second glance.

He is uncomfortable around me! That's a slap on my face.

I started to make sandwiches because it's easy and less time consuming. I need to feed him something fast because he is very weak. And after feeding I will take him to the hospital.

Oh! I have to tell the others about New. They are worried sick. I called Dew first.

'Tay! Any news? I already talked to the cops but they have no clue.'

'Dew... New is back.'

'What! Where? Is he ok? Tell me!'

'He is injured. I am going to the hospital with him in one hour. Wait there.'

'Let me talk to him.' He is impatient.

'He is taking a bath. I will....'

'No.. No... now.. I want to talk to him now. Come on, please.' He begged.

But he kicked me out from there!

'Tayyyyy' Dew nagged.

'Fine wait for a sec.' I grudgingly walk towards the room.

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