Fighting for you

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'Dad please don't complicate things.' P was furious. We are riding in the same car, she is driving.

'What is there to complicate? I am not going to stay silent in this matter. Tay I know you're a mature person but this decision of yours is not going to work out. He is a bad influence.'

'You don't even know him!' I don't think I can keep my calm longer.

'Yes dad! How can you judge someone without knowing them?' P slapped the steering wheel hard.

'I am talking to Tay , why are you getting so hyper?' Dad became suspicious.

'Because they are both the sons of Mr. Tithipoom. My boyfriend Dew is the brother of Tay's boyfriend.'

'WHAT!' Dad belowed.

'Calm down love! Stop assuming things! It is not necessary that they are like their father.' Mom calmly interfere.

'Exactly! Dad I want you to meet him today.' I tried to keep my calm.

'Not a chance and this goes for you too milo.'

'Dad!' P is not going to obey him either, I know that.

'Sorry dad but what you are saying is impossible. I love him very much and not going to break up with him in this life.' I expressed my feelings honestly.

I can't live without Hin.

I won't live without Hin.

'We are here.' P slammed the break with unnecessary force.

'Ok ok let's go inside first and then you all can shout at your hearts content.' Mom patted my back.

'I am not going to leave him.' I said with finality and get off the car.

'Me too.' P slammed the car door hard and without a word went inside the house.

My phone buzzed at the same time.

New is calling.

I took a glace at dad and answered the phone.

'Hey babe.'

I ignored the loud gasp came from dad's direction.

'Hey! Aren't you with your parents?' New sounds surprised.

'Yes we just arrived at our house.'

'Then stop calling me babe!'

'I won't.' I muttered.

'You sounds different.'

'Not at all.'

'Is everything all right?' He asked with concerns.

'Everything is fine babe... '

'Tay! Stop!' He is shy.

'They already know.' I didn't give any details.


'I told you I won't waste any time.'

'You are impossible.' He laughed.

That's it love! Just be like this forever. I will handle everything else.

'Are we going inside or what!' Dad grunted.

'Is that your dad?' New asked.


'Ok ok then you take care of them I'll call you later.'

'Ok babe. Bye.'


P was on the phone when we entered the house. I took their luggage to their room.

'Tay, this house is as lovely as earlier. I still remember how you choose each and every furniture with much care.' Mom was taking a stroll through the house.

'Thanks ma.' I was trying to figure out who P was speaking to.

Dad came out from the room and said,

'I am hungry. Is there any food in this house?'

'Yes dad. Please sit down I'll just warm them up.'

'Let me help you Tay.' Mom insisted.

I already prepared all their favourite dishes in the morning.

'You cooked all these dishes?' Mom can get easily impressed.

'It's not that much ma'.

'Mom you go and sit with dad, me and Tay will handle all this.' P interfere with a smile.

'Ok baby.'

Right after she left I grabbed P by shoulder and dragged her to my study room.

'Don't tell me you were talking to Dew!'

'Of course.'

'Did you tell him everything?'

'I did.'


'Why are you panicking?'

'Where is he now?'

'At his condo.'

'You mean with New!'


'Oh god!'


'That means he will tell New everything.'

'That's quite natural, I mean this is about both of them!'

'I know that P but I don't want to put Hin in any stressful situation. He has enough rough time.'

'I...didn't think this through.' P said guiltily.

'Please call Dew back and tell him not to say a word to New. P please.'

'Yeah sure ...sorry ...'

She called him immediately.

'Ummm Dew... Listen..'




'But Dew....'


'Ok ok.... No I .... Ok'

P cut the call with a worried face.

'What happened P? What did he say?'

'They are coming here!'

'Oh god! Why!'

'He said New is very worried about you so wants to see you.'

'Umm ok I'll talk to them outside. It is not smart to bring them here when Dad is being so unreasonable.'

'You are right, Things can get escalated easily. I know New won't say a word if feel insulted but Dew might talk back.'

'I don't care how Dew react, I am just worried about Hin.'

'Dew's nasty temper will definitely get the best of him."

'You should think about it before babbling everything to Dew.'

'I made a mistake, I know.' P is agitated.

'Let's serve them the dinner, after that I am going out.'

But before P nodded the bell rang.

They are here!!

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