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'Don't talk to me.' P was adamant that she will not gonna listen to any explanations about our sudden departure.

'P I am completely fine just want to go home.' I tried to convince her.

'Peng... You should take rest here.'

'Off I really am fine, believe me.'
I forced a smile.

'But.... 'Off stopped in mid sentence because Gun gave him a slight nudge.

'P if he wants to rest at home I think it's ok.' Gun said to P.

'Do whatever you want to do, why asking me?' P was still mad.

'Mild... Let him be.' Dew tugged at her sleeve.

'Go away.' She pulled her hand from his grip.

'I am staying here with Earth. You all go home.' Dew still grabbed P by her waist.

'Do you wanna die?' She glared at him.

'Nope.' He let her go.

'Come with me, you are going to stay at my place.' P take my arm.


I glanced at Dew for help.

'Sure take him with you. But don't you think that he is still weak to take that 2hours heavy traffic car ride.'

Thanks bro!

'But... Off can you stay with him for tonight?' P asked Off.

'Sure P.'

'Yes Off, you and Gun can stay with me tonight.'

'Happy?' Dew asked P.

'Piss off.' P left the room.

'Off Gun we need your help.'

'Anything Tay.' Gun said earnestly.

'Let's go home first.'


'Dew call me the moment you got any news.'

'Sure thing.'

We came home around midnight.  Off and Gun sat down on the sofa, we all were exhausted.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the edge of the couch.


My head is full of his thoughts. What's he doing now? Is he ok? Did he eat anything? Is he thinking about me as well?

Probably not.

I sighed.

Maybe his love for me is not as deep as mine for him. He seldom says I love you. I am not saying that he doesn't love me but feels like he doesn't care about my feelings and do whatever he wanna do.

But no matter what, my love for him is not gonna waver.

I can't live without him and that's my truth.

'What's that?' Gun suddenly pointed at my pebble jar.

'Oh it's just rocks. Tay has this weird habit of rock collection.'

'Let me see, it's beautiful.'

Just like an obedient boyfriend Off brings the jar to Gun for his closer observation.

'Wow!' Gun exclaimed cheerfully.

At least someone having a good time.

'Tay... This one is newly added right?' Off opened the jar and took out the green pebble New gave me before going to Japan.

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