😔My Enemy🍺

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I stop short in my track.

At a corner table Dew is sitting alone with many bottles of beer in front of him. Some of are totally empty, some are half.

Is he trying to drown himself in those beers!

I take the phone out of my pocket to call Hin but stopped before dialing.


I should take care of this on my own.

I go to him without any second thought.

'Dew' I call him in a low voice.

He is not looking.

'Hi Dew.' This time I speak a little louder.

'Humm?' He looked at me this time.

'Dew, it's me..'

'Tayyyy!' He shows a huge grin.

'Hello.' I tentatively greet him.

'My man! Come sit down.' He grabbed my arm and pulled down.

'Yeah yeah I am sitting' I take a sit before he could tear my arm off.

'How are you?' He starts to patt my back hard.

'Ouch! I... am fine.' I try to avoid those heavy patting.

'Good good. I am happy that you are fine.' He finished another bottle.

'You are alone. Where's Earth?' I asked him.

'That basterd is busy with our business proposals. You know something? He is a very hard working person.... Just like my Newiiee.' He open another bottle.

'Ummm how many bottles did you finish already?' I am really afraid of his answer.

'Too many but still not drunk!'

Yeah! Right!

'Let me take you home.' I tried to grab his hand.

'Noooo. I am not going home. I am going to confront him today! Where's my phone? I am gonna call him right now!' He slapped the table hard.

'Confront whom? New?' Is he gonna fight Hin?

'New? Noooo. I love New. But I hate him. I hate I hate I hate him.' He starts to shout.

'Hey calm down, calm down.' I tried to pacify him.

'No! I am angry!' His face is red but same time quite funny.

'I think you should go home and get some rest. Come on..get up.' I don't think he is in his right mind.


Suddenly his voice becomes soft.

'Yes?' I am not sure what is he planning now.

'I can't see Mild sad. I love her so much.' His tone is serious.

'Really? But you threatened us just yesterday that you are gonna break up with her if we don't stop seeing each other. .'

'I did.' He nodded his head in agreement. 'I did that because I don't wanna see her sad. And New too. I can't see him sad either.'

I don't understand a single word of this drunkard.

'Are you not happy with P?' I asked.

'Sooooo happy,' his smile was ear to ear.

'We are happy too you know. Me and New.' I tell him sincerely.

'I know. Anyone who has seen you two together can tell that. You two are making it so obvious.' He shakes his head with a smile on his face.

'Dew!' I am beyond shocked.

'What?' He chugged another bottle.

Is this total nonsense? Should I ignor it?

'If you know this then why you're trying to separate us?' I am still trying to figure him out.

'Because I don't wanna see him sad.' He repeats the same line.

'You think I will make him sad? Dew Please! I promise you that New will always be happy with me. Give me one chance!'

I see a ray of hope. Only if I can make him understand my sincerity he will not oppose our relationship. Hin will be so happy!

'I promise that I will take care of him and won't let anything bad happens to him.'

'And what if anything bad happens to you? Do you think New will be happy then?' He held his head in his hand.

'What do you mean?' I am totally confused now.

'Tay, break up with him, I am begging you. Break up with him amicably and stay friends. This is the only way. At least you can see him and meet him everyday.' His eyes are filled with sadness.

He is asking the most impossible thing for me to do.

I can't. I simply can't!

'Why are you doing this? Why do you hate me so much?' I can't comprehend.

'I don't hate you.' He stares at me intently. ' I am saying this for your own good. But if you don't listen to me...... I have to talk to New. And believe me Tay when I say this... If I talk to him New will not only break up with you, he will be absolutely gone from your life. Are you ok with that?'

Is he joking!


'You.... Are you threatening me!!!'

I curled up my palm into a fist.

Say one more word and I will punch you in the face!

'I am not threatening you, I am trying to protect you.'

His words just baffled me.

'Stop speaking in riddles.' Now it's my turn to shout.

'I am saying the truth. Take it or leave it.' He carelessly throw an empty bottle into the trash can.

'Listen you asshole, I am not going to leave New. Not now not ever. Do you hear me?' I gritted my teeth.

'Loud and clear! But mark my word. New is gonna leave you soon.'

I take him by his collar and landed a punch right across his jaw.

'You can't separate us. Understand!' People are started to gathering around us.

His mechanical laugh made me flinch.

'It's not my doing you dumb moron. Your enemy is my father.'

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