Unique or Dumb!

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'Hurry up, He is already on his way.' Off saying the same thing for last 15 mnts.

'I am trying! Please be patient.' I said irritated.

'By the way, Gun said the ring is beautiful.' Off shouted.

'You already showed him? Peng! I wanted Hin to be the first one.'

That asshole.

'Oops! But don't worry I strictly told him not to tell New anything.'

'You better or else...'

'Ah ah don't stress just come out already... I am sure you are looking fine.'

'Is everything ready as planned?'

'Everything is ready, but I am doubtful that you can make it on time.' He huffed.

'I have plenty of time. We are meeting at 7 30. And it's only 6 pm.'

'What? Tay! It's 6 30 already!' Off shouted again.

'Stop messing with me.' I come out from the dressing room.

'Not only I checked my watch, I also checked my phone. So stop lying.' I slapped his head.

'Ooiii... Stop hitting me. Wow you look......... suspicious enough!' He laughed out loud and clicked a picture.

'Don't send it to anyone. I want Hin to see me first.'

'Oh come on! You are proposing him, not getting married!' He rolled his eyes.

'I am not taking any chances. Everything has to be perfect. Where is the ring?' I am feeling nervous already.

'Dew has it.' Off straighten my hoodie.

'And where is he?'

'Waiting outside.'

'Let's go then.' I take a deep breath.

'Stop fidgeting.' He elbowed me.

'Does P successfully located the venue?' I am checking my phone for any messages.

'The venue is located but I am still not sure you choose the right place for your important day.'

'It's not right Peng, it's perfect.' I smiled at him.

'Here you are! They are already on their way, hurry up.' Dew was leaning against the door frame.

He laughed at my attire.

'Shut it. I am creating a persona for Hin. My dress is an important aspect here.' I explained again.

'You and your brain. They are unique.' He was still laughing.

'P doesn't tell anything to him right?' I am anxious.

'Listen, ma and pa think you are coming to the house at 10 pm so they are busy in arranging the preparation. In the mean time Mild is on her way with him to your designated spot. But are you sure Tay that it's safe there?'

'You gave me the idea to do it privately now you're backing off!' I accused him.

'I said propose him in private not taking him to a shady place!' He glared back.

'You two will be there hiding in the car. Nothing bad will happen.' I am starting to doubt my plan.

'I hope so or else you both will ended up in a ditch somewhere.' Off complained.

'Hey, stop jixing it. They will be safe.' Dew come to my rescue.

'Thanks Dew. Now hurry up, I want to be there before them. As you know that's not a safe neighborhood.' I walked fast towards our car.

We were halfway there when P called,

'Tay I executed our plan without any glitch.'

'P we are not there yet!' I shouted.

'What! Oh god! I thought I saw Dew's car there.'

'My car is way common Mild, why didn't you call me?' Dew was nervous.

'Sorry but New was with me..'

'Ok... You wait in the car... We are arriving shortly.' I gestured Dew to speed up.

'But I already left!' P exclaimed.

'P! So he is alone there?' I asked anxiously.

'Yes, as per plan I said him to wait at that bus stand for my friend who is delivering a package for me. He was very confused but I acted like I have an important appointment so I can't be with him. He finally agreed.' P spoke without break.

'Your plan is so faulty.' Off complained.

'I just wanted to create out first meeting. I still can do it.' I am hopeful.

'Yes! But he is already there, alone.' Dew sighed.

'We are almost here!' I suddenly saw New seated on a bench at that bus stand, where we first met.

'Go go go.' Me and Off ducked down.

'I am parking the car little bit far from there. You go now.' Dew almost dragged me out from the car.

'Here take the ring.' He handed me the box.

'Put on the mask Tay!' Off shouted from the car.

'Go mafia go.' They cheered me from behind.

The plan is fullproof. I , dressed in a black sweat pant and a black hoodie with a mask and a cap going to approach Hin just like he did when I was helplessly waiting in the rain that day. He didn't know about this. P tricked him believing that her friend is coming here to give her something. But suddenly an important meeting came up and she had to go leaving him alone.

This neighborhood is no doubt shady. But I want to remind him our first meeting so with the help of my assistants I planned this unique proposal.

Now I am here. God help me. I am fearing his reaction.

This is not an ideal proposal... No flower garden, no beach or sea, no lighting.

Is he gonna hate it?!

Stop thinking! Just go with it!

I started to run towards him.

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