Keeping the promise

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New was waiting patiently for P's imaginary friend and watching the ongoing cars absent mindedly.

I started to walk in a slow pace now. My disguise is quite fitting for this place.

'Hi' I greeted him.

'Ummm Hello...' He looked up and nodded politely.

'Are you here alone?' I hope my voice is muffled enough.

'Ummm... My friend is coming. I am waiting for him.' He lied with confidence.

'Just friend or boyfriend?' I asked casually.

'Boyfriend.' He scratched his neck and glaced at his watch.

'Hmm this boyfriend of yours.... Is he good?' I asked with a laugh.

'Good as in...?' He asked firmly.

'Good looking? Good person? Good character..... Good in bed?' I stifles a laugh.

'Hmm He is good.' He answered curtly.

'Good at everything?'


'That's impossible.' I shake my head.

'You are here to catch a bus?' He is getting irritated.

'No, I just saw you and thought I should meet.' I stared at him.

'Hm,' he fished out his phone.

'Can I borrow your phone? Mine got lost.' I extend my hand.

'You wanna call someone?' A smile played on his face.

I know he is thinking about our first meeting.

'Yes.... But I don't remember any number.' I added intentionally.

'Really?' He smiled.

'Hmm.' I smiled secretly.

'Do you have a car?' I asked.

'No.' He looked up at me.

'I have one but I forgot my keys inside.' I hinted.

'That's unfortunate.' He keep staring at me.

'I am clumsy that way.' I sighed dramatically.

'I can break car locks, want my help?' He asked smiling.

'That's ok, your boyfriend might get the wrong idea.' I think he recognized me.

'May I know your name?' He stands up from his seat.

'Can you guess?' I took a step forward.

'I can try.' He smiled mischievously.

'Try then.'

'Ummm Freddie?' He laughed heartily.

'I am not Freddy.' I denied.

'Oh sorry, I forgot. You are Off! Hi Off.' He waved his hand adorably.

'Hi Mew the mafia.'

'What brings you here?' He stayed in the character.

'I am here to ask you something.' I took off my mask and cap and get down on one knee.

He took a sharp breath.

'I know I am silly but will you marry me?' I show him the ring.

'You know my answer already but yes silly I will marry you.' He said with a laugh.

'Be mine forever.' I put the ring on his finger.

'I am yours from the start. Now can I have your hand please?' I gave him my hand.

'This is for you.' He put a very elegant looking ring on my finger.

'So beautiful! Do you like yours?' I anxiously asked.

'Very pretty.' He smiled at it.

'We are engaged.' I pulled him in my arms.

'Ah ah... This is not the right place to do all this...' Suddenly Dew and Off came running.

'We are engaged.' New shows his finger happily.

'Congratulation both of you... Now come on. Let's get out of here. This place is creepy.' Off shuddered.

'This place is special to us.' New was fondly looking at me.

'You two are insane.' Dew make a face.

'But I think they are right we should get going.' I nudged him slightly.

'Absolutely... Or else somebody might ask your price again.' New laughed at that thought.

'You are laughing at your boyfriend's misery!!' I scowled.

'I was thinking about that man.' He was shaking in laughter.

'If he comes now I will say "back off mister my boyfriend is priceless".' He take my hand and started to run.

When we reached home, dad, P, mom were waiting for us at the door.

'Where's the ring?' He asked.

'Here!' We both said in unison and showed him our fingers.

'You did it! Good gracious! Come here come here.' He hugged us both.

'I am so happy today.' He sniffed.

'New Tay!' Mom hugged us too.

'Congratulation baby.' She kissed New on his both cheeks.

'Thanks ma.' He was all red.

'Don't be shy! I didn't do nothing yet.' I teased him.

'Come on it's time to take a group photo.' Off take out his phone.

We took many photos. Spent a lot of time in laughing, joking, eating delicious foods, enjoying every moment with my Hin.

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