👬Doing stuff💞

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'What are you.....' I mumbled feeling awkward.

'You are trying to get me worked up so I won't go for a run but stay here and fight with you.' He arched his brows.

'Of course not, I...I... am really mad.' I tried to hide my first hand embarrassment.

Mr. Smartypants!

'Hmmm so you are mad at me?' He take steps towards me.

'Yes, very much. How can you belittle me like that.' I held my ground.

'Then if I kiss you will you refuse?' He is completely off-topic, now standing right in front of me.

'Huh! Ki... Kiss?'

Oh shit!

'Hmmm kiss.'

'I...I...' I am speechless.

'Do you want it or not?' His face is as close as possible.

'I want it.' My fucking brain stopped working the moment his hot breath hits my face.

'Then be a good boy and spill the beans quickly. Why are you acting weird through out the evening?'

'It's just I... am tired and sleepy... and you are not talking to me.' I opted for half truth.

'The whole truth Tay.' He is impatient.

Ahhhh! Why god!

'I am afraid ok! I am afraid that Dew will separate us if get the chance. That's why I don't want you to stay at your condo alone or go anywhere without me.'

Sorry Dew but I have to use your name. I can't use your dad's name na!

'Don't you trust me? I told you already that no one can separate us.'

'I trust you Hin, it's just...my insecurities.'

I am telling the truth. I am terrified that his dad will definitely gonna do something vicious and our relationship will be jeopardize.

'Tay....' He gave me a light kiss on my lips that leaves a burning sensation.

'Don't stress yourself so much na! Dew will come around. He has a bad temperament I agree, but as a person he is not bad at all.' He caresses my face and plant a small kiss on the tip of my nose.

'Hin...' I grabbed his hand and pressed it against my cheek.

'Can we do it now?' He whispered in my ear.

Holy cow!

Hin is asking for..... Sex!!

'Who are you and what have you done to my Hin!' I asked with a serious face.

'Well if you are not interested then...'

I didn't let him finish, just claimed his lips.

A surprised moan escaped his lips.

Oh! I just love to hear his moans!

We only parted because of lack of air. His lips are completely swollen, eyes half closed, panting heavily.

'Babe.... You ok?' He looks totally drained.

'I don't like when we fight. It's stressful.' He was inaudible.

'Sorry baby, so very sorry. I will try my best to not stress you out.'

Oh Hin! He always put on a good show of calmness on the outside but looks like in the inside he is as vulnerable as anyone else.

And he showed this only to me.
My baby!

'Are you sleepy?' I hugged him close.

'And hungry.' He mumbled.

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