☺Chance Encounter😎

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'Let's eat lunch at the River View today. My treat.' Off said looking like a happy puppy.

'When is he coming back from the States?' I said knowingly.

'In two weeks, gosh I cant wait to see him.'

'You two always keep yourselves busy on video calls, you see him every day'

'Yes but I can't hold him in my arms na? I can't kiss him, can't...'

'Stop stop right there, I don't wanna know the details.'

'He he he'


'Let's go' I said making a face.

I hate lovers

Two weeks have passed after that fateful night. Off once told me that with time I will forget about Mew and get back to be normal.

He was so fucking wrong!

I didn't forget a damn thing about that night. My new hobby is thinking about Mew in my free time. I remembered vividly every details, every words everything.

I am hurting!

How can I miss someone after meeting just once. Why I dream about him every fucking night. Why in every dream I kiss him?




'I asked did you like the starters?'

We are at the Restaurant and as usual I was lost in thoughts.

'Hmm they are good' I said looking down at my plate.

'You are doing that again, stop already.' Off said with a concerned face.

'I am fine, just tired.' I lied.

'Liar' Off can see through my lies.

'Hey don't worry, I am alright, really'. I tried to convince Off or else he is gonna nag me again.

'Ah ah fine, let's order some desserts',

'Waiter' I looked around but froze immediately.

It's Mew!

Am I seeing things!

No! It is Mew!

But in a completely different avatar.

He is wearing a blue suit with elegant cutting. His hair partly covered his eyes in a stylish way, he looks like a prince from fairytales.

He looks breathtaking!

He was standing with some men and women near the middle of the restaurant far away from our seats. He was smiling and talking with his acquaintance.

'Hi Tay'

I was so engaged in the view that didn't notice someone else is sitting at our table.

'Oh hi Namtan'

Namtan is our high school mate and a good friend of us.

'I was passing by and saw you two. Are you on a date?' She asked jokingly.

'Shut up Numnum, your silly jokes already landed me on trouble with Gun once.'

'Ha ha that was really funny though'

'Funny for you, pure torture for me' Off said making a face at her.

' Ok ok fine.. I will behave'

'But what are you gawking at Tawan?

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